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Introduction Activity Using a Storyboard

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Emily Merryweather, an Instructor from CSU San Marcos, has students introduce themselves using a free web-based platform, Storyboard to create a comic-book-style representation of themselves and their interests.

QLT Objectives Met

  • QLT Section 4: Student Interaction and Community
    • Objective: 4.1 At the beginning of the course, instructor provides an opportunity to have students self- introduce themselves to develop a sense of community.
  • QLT Section 6: Technology for Teaching and Learning
    • Objective: 6.1 The tools and media facilitate achievement of course learning objectives/outcomes.
    • Objective: 6.2 Technological tools and resources used in the course enable student engagement and active learning.


Additional Information

  • Material Type: Discussion
  • Author: Emily Merryweather, Instructor
  • Institution: California State University, San Marcos
  • Date Created: 2021-06-21
  • Course Format:   Online

QM Standard Equivalents

  • QM General Standard 1: Course Overview and Introduction
  • Standard: 1.9 Learners have the opportunity to introduce themselves.
  • QM General Standard 6: Course Technology
  • Standard: 6.1 The tools used in the course support the learning objectives.
  • Standard: 6.3 A variety of technology is used in the course.