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Excel in Agribusiness

Neil Tung, a Lecturer at Fresno State in Applied Microcomputing for Agribusiness Management, created a PowerPoint presentation introducing students to the basics of Excel. This includes why Excel is used in Agribusiness and the reasons the instructor has found it a valuable tool throughout his career. The use of spreadsheets, database management, applications to basic farm accounting and financial budgeting, farm production recordkeeping, and commodity price trend tracking using Excel functions and formulas are highlighted in this presentation.
QLT Objectives Met
QLT Section 5: Facilitation and Instruction
- Objective: 5.2 The instructor clearly helps students make connections between the content and the course activities, and how their life experience and mastery of concepts gained in the course will integrate into their college degree, future career, and role as a global citizen.
- Objective: 5.3 The instructor presents the course material and concepts in an orderly, effective, and engaging manner.
Additional Information
- Material Type: Presentation
- Author: Neil Tung, Lecturer
- Institution: California State University, Fresno
- Date Created: 2023-02-22