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Course Documentary Assignment

Dorothy Horn, Instructor from CSU Channel Islands, created an interactive PlayPosit integration for the documentary used in the asynchronous class.
QLT Objectives Met
QLT Section 3: Instructional Materials and Resources
- Objective: 3.5 There is a variety of instructional material types that lead to more UDL/access and student engagement, while not overly relying on one content type such as text.
QLT Section 6: Technology for Teaching and Learning
- Objective: 6.2 Technological tools and resources used in the course enable student engagement and active learning.
QLT Section 8: Accessibility and Universal Design
- Objective: 8.1 Course design and activities enact the core principles of Universal Design for Learning by incorporating multiple means of representation, action and expression, and engagement. Accessibility is therefore embedded in the course design rather than a reactive accommodation for those with registered disabilities.
Opening Play Posit for Documentary "FishPeople" by Patagonia in new window or
Play Posit for Documentary "FishPeople" by Patagonia This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.
Additional Information
- Material Type: Assignment
- Author: Dorothy Horn, Instructor
- Institution: California State University, Channel Islands
- Date Created: 2024-05-24
QM Standard Equivalents
- QM General Standard 3: Assessment and Measurement
- Standard: 3.4 The course includes multiple types of assessments that are sequenced and suited to the level of the course.
- QM General Standard 4: Instructional Materials
- Standard: 4.5 A variety of instructional materials is used in the course.
- QM General Standard 6: Course Technology
- Standard: 6.3 A variety of technology is used in the course.
- QM General Standard 8: Accessibility and Usability
- Standard: 8.1 Course navigation facilitates ease of use.