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Rubric for APA-formatted Report

Assessment Tool
Kelly Bennion, an Instructor at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, developed a rubric that contains 5 categories and descriptions for each of the 5 criteria, along with the weighting, for an APA formatted paper. The exemplar will serve as a helpful example for others creating rubrics for papers that have a scientific, reflective, and APA-formatting component.
QLT Objectives Met
QLT Section 2: Assessment of Student Learning
- Objective: 2.4 The assessment instruments (e.g., rubrics, grading sheets) are detailed and appropriate to the student work and respective outcomes being assessed. This includes assessing modes of online participation and contributions.
Additional Information
- Material Type: Assessment Tool
- Author: Kelly Bennion, Instructor
- Institution: California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
- Date Created: 2021-02-20
- Course Format: Online
QM Standard Equivalents
- QM General Standard 3: Assessment and Measurement
- Standard: 3.1 The assessments measure the achievement of the stated learning objectives.
- Standard: 3.3 Specific and descriptive criteria are provided for the evaluation of learners’ work, and their connection to the course grading policy is clearly explained.
- Standard: 3.4 The course includes multiple types of assessments that are sequenced and suited to the level of the course.