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Peer Engagement using Google Jamboard

Peer Engagement using Google Jamboard
California State University, San Bernardino
Alycia Granado, Instructor from CSU San Barnardino, created a Jamboard assignment for online child development courses. This Jamboard activity encourages both active learning and peer engagement. Students will share their knowledge of attachment styles, behaviors, and mediators.

Peer Part Planning

Peer Part Planning
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Patrick Mannion, an Instructor at Cal Poly Pomona, teaches students how to best use 3D CAD modeling software in their course. Each assignment requires a large amount of planning and forethought before starting to make a model. To help address this issue, the Peer Part Planning assignment breaks students into small groups and has them come up with a basic plan/outline for how they can approach the creation of the model.

Peer Review Feedback Guide With Guiding Questions

Peer Review Feedback Guide With Guiding Questions
San Francisco State University
Courtney Donovan, an Instructor from San Francisco State University, provides an annotated bibliography assignment designed to help students gain research skills while working alongside a peer. The peer review guide is organized with guiding questions to assist students in providing feedback to a peer's assignment.

Peer-to-Peer Engagement using Twitter

Peer-to-Peer Engagement using Twitter
California State University, San Bernardino
Elisabeth Anderson, an Instructor from CSU San Bernardino, created an activity designed to promote active learning and peer-to-peer engagement. Students are asked to read up on genetic testing from a website provided to them. Then they engage in a Twitter discussion about the pros and cons of the technology.

Perusall Activity

Perusall Activity
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Terri Fleming-Dright, an Instructor from CSU Dominguez Hills, used the software Perusall to discuss a class reading. The opportunity to create starter posts and ask students questions that they can then respond to and each other is an excellent way of fostering active learning.

Pinterest Encyclopedia Activity

Pinterest Encyclopedia Activity
California State University, Stanislaus
Monica Flores, an Instructor from CSU Stanislaus, describes an activity using a social media tool, Pinterest. Students are prompted to create a Pinterest account and than choose 2 "terms" from a list about Latinx Lit and Cultural Studies. Students are creating two encyclopedia (Pinterest) entries and than commenting on at least 3 of their classmates Pinterest pins.

Plagiarism Workshop Wrap-Up Activities

Plagiarism Workshop Wrap-Up Activities
California State University, Fresno
Judith Scott, an Instructor at Fresno State, shares a plagiarism workshop where students can work together on the practice exam before meeting meeting in Zoom to take the assessment quiz independently. As a class, they watch a plagiarism video and then in Zoom, students work in breakout rooms to prepare for the post test. Students have the opportunity to ask the instructor and classmates questions and the delivery of the workshop provides multiple opportunities to give feedback.

PlayPosit Assignment with Youtube

PlayPosit Assignment with Youtube
California State University, Channel Islands
Argero Zerr, an instructor from CSU Channel Islands, created a PlayPosit assignment. This PlayPosit assignment corresponds to a Youtube video for a TEDx talk titled “Why does it take so long to grow up today?” by Dr. Jeffrey Arnett. The assignment includes a series of multiple choice questions which test comprehension of the material throughout the video. The assignment also includes poll questions and discussion questions which encourage students to reflect on their own opinions and experiences with emerging adulthood.

Playposit for Chem 251 Spectroscopy Unit

Playposit for Chem 251 Spectroscopy Unit
California State University, Channel Islands
Michelle Kobrin, Instructor from Channel Islands, created Playposit bulbs for Chem 251Quantitative Analysis spectroscopy unit. The unit included a playlist of 10 Playposit bulbs compiled into a single playlist, which was assigned in Canvas for students to interact with during Week 14 lectures. Chem 251 is a flipped class, so this Playposit set served as their lectures for the week. Post week 14, Chem 251 students were interviewed to evaluate the advantages of Playposit technology compared to the previous approach, where watching the lectures was optional. Based on the feedback, this Playposit playlist will continue to be incorporated into the Chem 251 course going forward.

PlayPosit Version of Video Titled "Horseshoe Crabs Saved My Life"

PlayPosit Version of Video Titled "Horseshoe Crabs Saved My Life"
California State University, San Bernardino
Holly Henry, an Instructor at CSU San Bernardino, uses the SciShow video, titled "Horseshoe Crabs Saved My Life," with the learning technology PlayPosit. Three quiz questions have been embedded into the video to increase students' active learning and greater interaction with course content; the video quiz also adds a formative assessment component so that students can self-check their learning.

Playposit- Video Assignment

Playposit- Video Assignment
California State University, Channel Islands
Annie White, Associate Professor from California State University Channel Islands, created an assignment using Playposit for an online course. The assignment included students watching a video. During the video, the Playposit assignment was designed to pause at intervals to allow students to respond to instructor questions. The student responses were posted in a Discussion for peers to read and respond. This assignment provided opportunities to engage in critical reflection of the video, along with peer engagement and learning.

PLSI 2: American Government and Institutions - Rubric for Writing Assignment

PLSI 2: American Government and Institutions - Rubric for Writing Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Everett Vieira, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a six-part rubric for scoring the writing assignment for the PLSI 2: American Government and Institutions introductory GE course. The rubric was created to improve on providing feedback in a timely fashion so that students will have a better idea of exactly how their written assignment will be scored before submitting their essay.

Portfolio Rubric for First Year Writing - CSU Fresno

Portfolio Rubric for First Year Writing - CSU Fresno
California State University, Fresno
Carol Firstman, an Instructor at Fresno State, is using the rubric developed by the First Year Writing program at Fresno State in Canvas. The grading criteria and rating categories are taken directly from the FYW template materials. The 30 point rubric includes the criteria of reading and writing strategies, reflection, summary and conversation, rhetoric, language coherence, and self-and peer evaluation. The ratings are exceeds, complete, and not passing.

Possible Lives Mapping Activity with Accompanying Jamboard

Possible Lives Mapping Activity with Accompanying Jamboard
California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt
Loren Collins, a Faculty Development Coordinator from Cal Poly Humboldt developed an activity for faculty that could be used in their courses. The activity leads students through imagining a range of lives in different careers and mapping out how to prepare for them. Students post their "Possible Lives Maps" onto a collection of Jamboards and interact with each other by posting post-its and commenting.

Preparing and Brainstorming for Experiential Lab Group Activity

Preparing and Brainstorming for Experiential Lab Group Activity
California State University, Fresno
Professor Emerita Betty Garcia from Fresno State, developed a small group activity where students are asked to brainstorm about "possible" "presenting problems" that would be brought to a group with the identified focus (i.e., graduate student stress) using Zoom breakout rooms. The purpose of this activity is to reflect on the role they will take in the group and in preparing and planning for the class lab group activity. The multi-sequence activity involves students thinking about options and choosing one. Possible presenting problems are posted on Jamboard for all students to review and factor into their decision-making about what "presenting problem" will be theirs.