Digital Badges

What Are Digital Badges?

Digital badges are visual online representations of accomplishments, skills, or achievements that have verifiable metadata showing what, where, when, and how you have earned your credential.

Why is this a good thing? Digital badges make it easy to share your certified skills and validate your abilities with potential employers, academic institutions, colleagues, and peers.

What badges are issued by the CSU Chancellor's Office? 

Badges Issued through CSU Academic Technology Services (ATS)

Badging in Academic Technology Services

How to share your digital badge and accomplishment

You can easily communicate your achievements by sharing your digital badges on various social media sites, via email, or by embedding them in your resume or website.

How To Share Your Badge

Where To Share:

Canvas ePortfolio
Via email
Embedded in a website
Via electronic resume

How can my department issue digital badges?

Automatically via a Canvas Course

If part of the earning criteria for your digital badge is the completion of a Canvas course, your course can be set up to automatically issue the digital badge once your participants complete the predefined requirements of the course. For example, if participants must receive a final grade of 85% or higher to pass the course and earn the badge, then canvas will automatically issue the badge once the requirements are met.

Manually through Badgr

If your digital credential is not associated with a Canvas course, you can manually issue badges to participants through Badgr. Academic Technology Services can help set up your "Issuer" page and assign a CO staff member issuing privileges on that account. Please contact us at for more information.