Certified Quality Online Courses

The Chancellor’s Office, Academic Technology Services has established formal course review of online courses across the 23-campus system using the CSU QLT or QM rubric with the goal to build a culture of quality and continuous improvement in online course offerings through cross-campus collaboration and recognition of mature courses that successfully meet QLT and/or QM standards.   

Certified CSU-QLT and QM Online Courses

Courses designated with a (*) have met at least the minimum QLT CORE 24 standards This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.. These CORE standards are identified as elements that should be present in a quality online course. 

Certified Courses
Last Name Sort on this field First Name Sort on this field Campus Sort on this field Course Name Sort on this field Date Certified Sort ascending
Stanny Elizabeth Sonoma BUS 330A Intermediate Accounting A
Xie Xiaoying Fullerton FIN 310 Personal Financial Management
España-Nájera Annabella Fresno CLAS 30 Critical Thinking in Chicano and Latin American Studies
Denver Kristin Sonoma PSY 325 Social Psychology
Bhang Cecile Sonoma COUN 540 Counseling Diverse Couples and Families
Lipscomb Scott San Diego MUSIC 151 Introduction to Rock Music: Rock History to 1980
Welkley Debra Sacramento Sense and Nonsense in Social Research and Social Issues
McCollow Meaghan East Bay SPED 602A Autism Spectrum Disorders: Characteristics and Etiology
Davis Lizhu Fresno FM 21 Fashion Merchandising Fundamentals
Flores Robert San Bernardino KINE 2200 Medical Terminology *
O'Quinn Jamie San Bernardino SOC 1000 Introduction to Sociology *
Youngs Yolanda San Bernardino GEOG 5351 Professional Conferences *
Brough Barbara San Bernardino IST 5930 Cloud Security Management *
Hill Christopher San Bernardino KINE 3400 Sociology and Psychology of Physical Activity *
Qiu Ranfeng San Bernardino MGMT 4910 Strategic Management *
Zhang Yan San Bernardino CSE 4600 Operating Systems *
Carhart Jennifer San Bernardino COUN 6221 Introduction to Research & Evaluation in Counseling *
Molavi Nima San Bernardino IST 5150 Project Management *
Schulz Arianne San Bernardino ANTH 3500 The Race Concept in Biological Anthropology *
Miller Amara East Bay SOC 301 Writing and Analysis in the Social Sciences
Merryweather Emily San Marcos PSY 490 History of Psychology
Henry Caitlin Sonoma CCJS 450 Punishments & Corrections
Cook Heather San Marcos ES 400 Earth and Its Place in the Universe
Boutin Alexis Sonoma ANTH 341 Archaeology of Complex Societies
Jung InHaeng Sonoma BUS 365 Intro to Hospitality and Event Management
Lang Tina East Bay ACCT 311 Intermediate Financial Accounting I
Anderson Jennifer Sacramento HHS 100 Introduction to Health Science
Butler Brittany East Bay INFO 210 Introduction to Searching for and Evaluating Information
Kim Inkyu East Bay MGMT 360 Operations Management
Dawkins Denise San Jose NURS 574 The Role of Diversity & Social Issues in Healthcare
Alvarez Evelyn Los Angeles PH 4140 Principles of Environmental Health
Lopes Maria Fresno HIST 196 Theories of History
Li Yuanyuan Los Angeles BUS 4150 Contemporary Issues in Global Business
Tofighi Maryam Los Angeles MKT 4460 Marketing Research Quantitative
Kong Erick East Bay REC 358 Mindfulness, Meditation, Spirituality, and Creativity in Recreation Therapy
Virem Nathalie Los Angeles MGMT 4102 Comparative Management
Kim Stephanie Northridge LING 417 Language Development and Acquisition *
Glover Star Northridge ENGL 306 Report Writing *
Feres Angela San Diego ANTH 424/REL S424 The Supernatural in Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Garvin Missy Sonoma PSY 302 Lifespan Development
Walters Kyla Sonoma SOCI 263 Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
Norwood Amber Northridge ENGL 205 * Business Communication in its Rhetorical Contexts *
Lee Sae-Mi Los Angeles KIN 3820 Principles of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Sera James Los Angeles ANTH 1500 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Ganesan Nanda Los Angeles CIS 3010 Management Information Systems
Maharjan Sailesh San Bernardino PSYC 3334  Addiction and Recovery *
Perez Torres Debora San Bernardino COMM 4401 Strategic Communication Campaigns *
Fudge Marc San Bernardino PA 6330 Public Budgeting and Finance *
Huffer Amy San Bernardino PSYC 4422 Advanced Seminar in Psychology: Clinical *
Moon Castignari Taylor San Bernardino DES 3130 Experimental Animation *
Anton Jacqulyne San Bernardino SSCI 3000 Global Issues and Perspectives *
Habich Matthew San Bernardino Mgmt 3020 Organizational Behavior *
Llosent Giovanna San Bernardino MATH 2372 Discrete Mathematics *
Ovalle Perez Vanessa San Bernardino ENG 5150 Senior Seminar: to the Archive! *
Benedict Bailey San Bernardino ADMN 6020 Advanced Managerial Communications *
Howey Dawn San Bernardino SOC 3540 Deviant Behavior *
Hammons Amber Fresno CFS 132T Happiness Across the Lifespan
Marsh Peter East Bay MUS 304 World Music & Culture
Gonzalez Stephen Los Angeles KIN 1110 Independent Physical Activity Participation
Charles Shana Fullerton PUBH 349 Measurement and Statistics in Health Science
King Cynthia Fullerton COMM 333 Mass Media Effects
Pinzon-Perez Helda Fresno NURS 586 Transformation of Health Care Systems: Health Policy & Economics
Bridges Dwan Los Angeles KIN 3100 Written Communication for Kinesiology
Mueller Dale Dominguez Hills BSN 452 Management and Leadership in Health Care Systems
Kakihara Satoko Fullerton JAPN 390 Japanese Culture and Society: Anime
Cheng Shara East Bay OTL 672 Content Development for Online Learning
Fogaca Jana Long Beach KIN 339 Psychology of Sport Behavior and Performance
Strand Sarah Sacramento PSYC 103 Perception
Ireland Connie Long Beach CRJU 330 Criminal Justice Ethics, Values, & Diversity
Gottesman Kimberly Los Angeles Research Concepts and Methodology in Nutritional Science (NTRS 5110)
Hong Cheng Sacramento COMS 118 Survey of Public Relations
Diaz Bibiana San Bernardino SPAN 2251 Intermediate Healthcare Spanish I *
Granado Alycia San Bernardino CD 2240 Introduction to Child Development *
Howey Dawn San Bernardino SOC 4440 Sociology of Gender *
LIN FRANK San Bernardino IST 6090 Information and Technology Management *
Mickey Ethel San Bernardino SOC 3700 Sociology of Education *
Roberts Sabrina San Bernardino COMM 3211 Business and Professional Communication *
Trainor Leslie San Bernardino MGMT 6010 Organization Theory and Behavior *
Wilcox-Herzog Amanda San Bernardino CD 2200 Child Development as a Major *
Becerra Monideepa San Bernardino HSCI 4202 Complementary and Alternative Medicine *
Fell Devon San Bernardino PSYC 3355 Industrial Psychology *
Green Stuart San Bernardino MUS 1800 Music Appreciation *
Jackson Matthew San Bernardino KINE 2200 Medical Terminology *
Lofrano do Prado Mara San Bernardino PSYC 3318 Health Psychology *
Ngobi Said San Bernardino CSE 5700 Compilers *
Roozee Corrie San Bernardino GEOG 3605 Geography for Elementary and Middle School Classroom *
Trujillo Luis San Bernardino ES 1000 Introduction to Ethnic Studies *
Cuillier Samantha San Bernardino PSYC 4421 Advanced Seminar for Developmental Psychology *
Gonzalez Javier San Bernardino MUS 3080 Women In Music *
Herzog Emma San Bernardino CD 3304 Play and Effective Practice with Children *
Kettering Vanessa San Bernardino PSYC 3329 Aging and Adulthood *
Mickey Ethel San Bernardino SOC 3940 Topics in Sociology *
Prado Wagner San Bernardino KINE 3810 Exercise and Sports Nutrition *
Rymal Amanda San Bernardino Kine 3500 Motor Development Across the Lifespan *
Washington Deborah San Bernardino SOC 4840 Social Casework *
Stewart Kristin San Marcos Personal Branding (MKT 310)
Vigneron Franck Northridge Introduction to Marketing Management (MKT 304)
Gottesman Kimberly Los Angeles Management Principles in Dietetics (NTRS 4340)
Adase Carrie Los Angeles Evaluation of Current Nutrition Topics (NTRS 4110)
Diaz-Davalos Gabriela East Bay Spanish Composition and Syntax (MLL 343)
Munger Ashley Los Angeles Family Resource and Case Management (CHDV 3440)
Scott-Hayward Christine Long Beach Constitutional Criminal Procedure (CRJU 350)
Matheus Trevis Fullerton Introduction to Natural Environment (GEOG 110)
Welkley Debra Sacramento Sociology & Social Work (SOC 120)
Normington Kathleen San Jose Theatre Appreciation (TA 10)
Munger Ashley Los Angeles Health Disparities in Urban Communities
Kim Kimberly East Bay Health Promotion for Diverse Populations (NURS 361)
Kim Kimberly East Bay Health Promotion for Diverse Populations (NURS 361)
Abusaad Roni San Jose Human Rights and Justice (JS 171)
Kong Erick East Bay Recreation Therapy Process and Techniques (REC 363)
Sheldon Shara Sacramento Nutrition and Metabolism (NUFD 113)
Cheng Shara East Bay Critical & Contemporary Practice in eLearning Design and Technology (OTL 608)
McCollow Meaghan East Bay Low Incidence Disabilities: Characteristics and Instructional Practices (SPED 602B)
Taggart Meg East Bay Instructional Methods for eLearning (OTL 602)
Canelon Jesus San Bernardino CyberSecurity (IST 2610)
Jones Nancy San Diego Accounting Information Systems (ACCTG 333)
Jaffe Karin Sonoma Primate Behavioral Ecology (ANTH 313)
Forsyth Susan East Bay Evidence Based Practice and Nursing Research (NURS 422)
Arceneaux Noah San Diego Media Law & Ethics (JMS 494)
Ginsberg Maya San Diego Music & Culture Hip Hop (MUSIC 351)
Schumann Sonya San Diego History of Rock Music (MUSIC 151)
Zhang Yan San Bernardino CSE 2020 Computer Science II *
Betlemidze Mariam San Bernardino COMM 2301 Ethical aspects of communication *
Rogers Anissa San Bernardino SW 6033 Social Work Intervention with the Elderly and Their Families *
Harding Kassandra San Bernardino HSCI 3203 Global Health *
Seferoglu Golge San Bernardino EESL 5500 Listening and Speaking Methods in TESOL *
Jany Carmen San Bernardino SPAN 3061 Criminal Justice and Cultures of Spain and Latin America *
Ratanasiripong Nop Dominguez Hills Community-Based Nursing (BSN 422)
Palmore Christopher East Bay Introduction to Criminal Justice (CRJ 101)
Lam Juleen East Bay Environmmental Health (HSC 300)
Schonleber Nanette Sonoma Social & Emotional Development in Early Childhood (EDEC 532)
Eros John East Bay Music in Film (MUS 106B)
Volker Janssen Fullerton Survey in American History (HIST 180)
Xiang Yajuan Sonoma Introduction to Research in Early Childhood (EDEC 460)
Jacobs Maha East Bay Public Speaking (COMM 100)
Zabihian Farshid Sacramento Thermodynamics (ENGR 124)
Jordan Meggan Stanislaus Medical Sociology (SOCL 4700)
Sapozhnikov Marina East Bay Accelerated College Writing (ENGL 102)
Drake Cassandra Stanislaus Senior Seminar (LIBS 4960)
Conlisk Gallegos Liliana San Bernardino COMM 3102 Media, Culture and Society *
Huhn Arianna San Bernardino ANTH 3604 Anthropology and Film *
Kim Jemma San Bernardino ESPE 5531 Methods and Procedures in Special Education *
Lim Caroline San Bernardino SW 6021 Generalist Micro Practice I *
Mshigeni Salome San Bernardino HSCI 4207 Chronic Diseases in the U.S. *
Nikbakhtzadeh Mahmood San Bernardino HSCI 3052 Principles of Environmental Health *
Phan Linh San Bernardino PHYS 1000 Physics in the Modern World *
Samuel Gilna San Bernardino FIN 3001 Finance I *
Tan Kim San Bernardino MKTG 3050 Marketing Principles *
Beck Carmen San Bernardino EADM 6640 California Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA) Support Seminar *
Cordoba Esteban San Bernardino SPAN 5503  Seminar in Spanish American Literature, Culture, Theater and Film *
Johnson Todd San Bernardino MUS 1800 Music Appreciation *
Kordrostami Melika San Bernardino MKTG 4750 Digital Marketing *
Llosent Giovanna San Bernardino MATH 5550 Topology *
Ireland Connie Long Beach Corrections: Theory, Policy and Practice (CRJU 303)
Nazzal Lamies San Bernardino MATH 1303 Stretch Modeling with Functions B *
Otiniano Verissimo Angie San Bernardino HSCI 3201 Health Behavior *
Roberts Sabrina San Bernardino COMM 1007 Critical Thinking Through Argumentation *
Seal Craig San Bernardino MGMT 3350 Business, Ethics, and Society *
Xu Bo San Bernardino GEOG 4880 Remote Sensing of the Environment *
Arakawa Suzanne San Bernardino ENG 1200 Multi-Ethnic American Literature *
Bloodhart Brittany San Bernardino PSYC 3331 Psychology of Gender *
Hay Ryan San Bernardino PHIL 2100 Critical Thinking Through Symbolic Logic *
Karlinsky April San Bernardino KINE 4100 Motor Learning and Control *
Lim Bronson San Bernardino MATH 2720 Discrete Mathematics *
Macon-Richard Ariel San Bernardino SW 6902 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Social Work Practice *
Nazzal Lamies San Bernardino MATH 1302 Stretch Modeling with Functions A *
Paik Wendy San Bernardino MKTG 3160 Research Methods *
Roberts Sabrina San Bernardino COMM 2101 Introduction to Communication Studies *
Soto Erika San Bernardino PSYCH 1115 Personal & Social Adjustment *
Zhang Jing San Bernardino HRM 4560 Staffing *
Arkadie Nicole San Bernardino SW 6092 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Social Work Practice *
Sakamoto Rose Fullerton Art and Science of Nursing (NURS 470)
Sharifian Banafshe Long Beach Human Sexuality and Sex Education (HSC 425)
Sacramento Jocyl East Bay Pinayism: Filipina Experiences and Activism (ES 366)
Newcomb Jeffrey East Bay Marketing Research (MKTG 310)
Sun Qin Northridge Marketing Research (MKT 346)
Lam Juleen East Bay Environmental Health Policy (HSC 362)
Mayo Marvin Long Beach Digital Technology in Education (ETEC 444)
Torres Santos Sacramento Social Welfare Policy and Services (SWRK 250)
Stablein Mary Gail Sonoma School and Society (EDUC 417)
Lu Hui-tzu East Bay Elementary Mandarin I (MLL 161)
Sunseri Mary San Jose Junior Seminar: Theorizing Communication (COMM 101C)
Baleria Gina Sonoma Media Ethics and Law (COMS 302)
Byrom Tonja East Bay Implementing and Analyzing Research in Preschool – Grade 12 (TED 693)
Zimmerman-Liu Teresa Long Beach Asian Films: Culture & Identity (A/ST 320)
Palmore Christopher East Bay Introduction to Criminal Justice (CRJ 301)
Wen Na Northridge Consumer Behavior (MKT 348)
Ramirez Loretta Long Beach Introduction to Racial and Ethnic Studies (CHLS 119)
Zhang Jing San Bernardino MGMT 3020 Organizational Behavior *
Qiu Ranfeng San Bernardino MGMT 4050 Cross Border Management *
Roberts Sabrina San Bernardino COMM 2201 Intercultural Communication *
Torres Santos Sacramento Social Work and Diverse Populations (SWRK 202)
Dupain Mandi East Bay Exercise and Well-Being (KIN 461)
Kinnison Karen San Marcos Mathematics for K-8 Teachers II: Geometry, Measurement, and Reasoning (Math 212)
Merryweather Emily San Marcos Positive Psychology (PSYC 344)
Nguyen May East Bay Crisis in Schools and Mental Health Settings (EPSY 683)
Harmston Gina Fullerton Stress Management (KNES 342)
Wynants Shelli Fullerton Human Growth and Development (CAS 312)
Hoke Shior East Bay Japanese Folktale and Culture (MLL 352)
Kong Erick East Bay Therapeutic Environmental Recreation (REC 359)
Kordrostami Melika San Bernardino Marketing Principles (MKTG 3050)
Shaw Melanie East Bay Education - Curriculum & Instruction (OTL 606)
Childers Greg Fullerton Energy & Sustainability (PHYS 301)
Brueck Gregory East Bay U.S. and California Environmental History (HIST 388)
Holliman Alvin San Bernardino Public Administration Theory & Practice (PA 6110)
Iriberri Alicia Fresno Management Information Systems (IS 130)
Baleria Gina Sonoma Web & Print Journalism (COMS 210)
Denver Kristin Sonoma Foundations of Leadership (UNIV 238)
Liu Dong Northridge Marketing Management Seminar (MKT 449)
Miller Amara East Bay Social Psychology (SOC 435)
Amaya Makiko San Bernardino JAPN 3100 Analysis of Japanese Culture through the Study of Film *
Fernandez Miriam San Bernardino ENG 1070A First-Year Composition *
Hansler Kathryn San Bernardino ENG 1070A First Year Composition *
Johnson Ann San Bernardino HRM 4580 Fair Employment Practices *
Qiao Haiyan San Bernardino CSE 5160 Machine Learning *
Shultz Kenneth San Bernardino PSYC 5540 Work, Retirement, and Leisure *
Xu Bo San Bernardino GEOG 3730 Geo-spatial Analysis *
Anderson Elisabeth San Bernardino BIOL 1000 Introduction to Biology *
Fernandez-Gibert Arturo San Bernardino SPAN 2900 Spanish Literature and Film in English. *
Jany Carmen San Bernardino SPAN 2262 Intermediate Criminal Justice Spanish II *
Lavengood-Ryan Andrew San Bernardino MATH 3011 Mathematical Concepts and Problem Solving for Educators I *
Samuel Gilna San Bernardino FIN 4550 Financial Data Analytics *
Swanson Justin San Bernardino KINE 4600 EKG Interpretation and Stress Testing *
Chen Zhaojing San Bernardino KINE 3600 Physical Activity and Aging *
Gupta Vipin San Bernardino MGMT 4050 Managing Across Borders *
Johnson Ann San Bernardino MGMT 3300 Legal Environment of Business *
Lavengood-Ryan Andrew San Bernardino MATH 3012 Mathematical Concepts and Problem Solving for Educators II *
SantaBarbara Kim San Bernardino KINE 3600 Physical Activity and Aging *
Watson Calysta San Bernardino SW 6022 Generalist Micro Practice II *
Torres Santos Sacramento Social Welfare in America (SWRK 150)
Wright Missy East Bay Critical Inquiry in Kinesiology (KIN 300)
Fu Ning Northridge Digital Marketing (MKT 448)
Jones Tiffany San Bernardino HIST 3880 Rise, Decline, Legacy of Apartheid South Africa *
Martin Adrienne San Bernardino DES 4625 Storyboarding *
Dang Michelle Sacramento Human Sexuality (NURS 160)
Baleria Gina Sonoma Digital Design and Content Delivery (COMS 215)
Smart Christie Sacramento Culminating Project (NURS 178)
Sharpp Tara Sacramento Hospice and Palliative Nursing Care (NURS 165)
Janey Carmen San Bernardino SPAN 3305 Applied Spanish Grammar
Beer Francisca San Bernardino Financial Markets and Institutions (FIN 6510)
Furtak Sharon Sacramento Navigating Psychology: The Major and Careers (PSYC 4)
Gottlieb Christine East Bay Literature and Health Care (ENGL 346)
Saelee Cheryl East Bay Designing Curriculum for Online Instruction (OTL 604)
Guo Jiansheng East Bay Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Lifespan Human Development (HDEV 381)
Dukhovny Elena East Bay Communicative and Cognitive Development Across the Lifespan (SLHS 300)
Heryford Ryan East Bay Environmental Literature (ENGL 342)
Roberts Sabrina San Bernardino COMM 2251 Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication *
Yaghoubian David San Bernardino HIST 4950 Politics of Oil *
Ajayi Lasisi San Bernardino EDMS 4101A Language Arts Teaching and Learning * *
Canelon Jesus San Bernardino IST 2610 Cyber Security *
Donohoo William San Bernardino MGMT 3900 Principals of Strategy *
Fernandez Miriam San Bernardino ENG 2400 Writing in the Public Sphere *
Girshin Thomas San Bernardino ENG 2400 Writing in the Public Sphere *
Harris Kalimba San Bernardino BIOL 2160 Genetics and Society *
Jany Carmen San Bernardino SPAN 2261 Intermediate Criminal Justice Spanish I *
Nazzal Lamies San Bernardino MATH 1301 Modeling with Functions *
Nwamu Henrietta San Bernardino NURS 4417 Community & Public Health Nursing Practice *
Simonian Kate San Bernardino ENGL 2500 Introduction to Creative Writing Studies *
Alford Jennifer San Bernardino GEOG 2000 Environment and Society *
Clark J. Logan San Bernardino ENG 1070A First-Year Composition *
Dunn Corey San Bernardino MATH 2210 Calculus I *
Fernandez-Gibert Arturo San Bernardino SPAN 3900 Voices & Visions from the Hispanic World *
Gupta Vipin San Bernardino MGMT 3900 Principles of Strategy *
Heisterkamp Brian San Bernardino COMM 4101 Communication Research Methodology *
Lin Frank San Bernardino ADMN 1003 Leadership for Global Challenges: Exploring the Digital Mindset *
Nelson Terri San Bernardino CAL 1110 Reacting to the Past: Humanities Perspectives *
Ocampo Daisy San Bernardino HIST 5600 History of the American West. *
Takeda Margaret San Bernardino MGMT 3900 Principles of Strategy *
Barber Cary San Bernardino HIST 1400 World History I *
Creswell Stephanie San Bernardino MATH 3011 Mathematical Concepts and Problem Solving for Educators I *
Eaton Charli San Bernardino SSCI 3160 Race and Racism *
Flaherty Patrick San Bernardino HRM 4550 Human Resource Management *
Hammad Mahbuba San Bernardino CAL 3250 Aspects of Gender *
Huhn Arianna San Bernardino ANTH 3605 Anthropology of Health *
Mohabbati Nasrin San Bernardino IST 3500 Problem Solving and Decision Making *
Nerren Jess San Bernardino COMM 3402 Writing for Public Relations *
Dodick David East Bay Supervising and Evaluating Online Teaching (OTL 673)
Jan Chinglih East Bay Introduction to Financial Accounting (ACCT 210)
Freidenburg Tess East Bay Human Anatomy and Physiology II (BIOL 271)
Munoz Monica East Bay Technology Tools for Online Instruction (OTL 603)
Ratanasiripong Nop Dominguez Hills Research Utilization in Advanced Nursing Roles (MSN 530)
Pan Fung-Shine East Bay Financial Management (FIN 300)
Vilhauer Heather East Bay Organizational Development in Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism (REC 620)
Damaraju Lakshmi Naga Sonoma Leadership (BUS 452)
Thomas James East Bay Creating Digital Media Online (OTL 681)
Rezaei Ali Long Beach Research Methods in Education (EDP 520)
Fields Bronwyn Sacramento Transitional Concepts: The BN (NURS 171)
Shen Dong Sacramento Fashion and Human Environment (FASH30)
Bhaduri Ritin Stanislaus Principles of Biology (BIO 1010)
Mitchell James East Bay Foundations of Single Subject Education (TED 5301)
Jaffe Karin Sonoma Human Development in Evolutionary Perspectives (ANTH 318)
Sumstad Jill East Bay Discursive Writing (ENGL 302)
Thomas James East Bay Designing and Implementing User Interfaces for Online Instruction (OTL 682)
Decker Kelly East Bay Biodiversity of California (BIOL 106)
Decker Kelly East Bay Biodiversity of California (BIOL 106)
Schiele Kristen Pomona Digital Marketing (GBA 5990)
Torres Santos Sacramento Cross Cultural Theory and Practice: Issues of Race, Gender, and Class (SWRK 102)
Handwerker Lisa East Bay Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective (ANTH 333)
Comelo Anil East Bay Organizational Behavior (MGMT 310)
Ding Kai East Bay Principles of Macroeconomics (ECON 205)
Hunter Debra San Jose Language and Thinking (LING 21)
Kelsi Perttula East Bay Chemistry and Society (CHEM 106)
Morrison Jennifer San Jose Junior Seminar: Theorizing Communication (COMM 101C)
Balaraman Rajan East Bay Healthcare Operations (MGMT 460)
Van Wart Montgomery San Bernardino Administrative Regulation (PA 672)
Damaraju Lakshmi Naga Sonoma Seminar in Management Strategy & Policy (BUS 491)
Klein Benjamin East Bay World History II: 16th Century C.E. - Present (HIST 102)
Santos Torres Sacramento Theories of Criminal Behavior (SWRK 126)
Dekofsky Brooke Long Beach Introductory Nutrition (NUTR 132)
Tan John East Bay Federal Taxation for Partnerships (ACCT 433)
Sharpp Tara Sacramento Theoretical Foundations for Leadership and Management (NURS 173)
Vilhauer Heather East Bay Strategic Leadership & Ethics (REC 610)
Lankham Isaiah East Bay Issues in Statistics (STAT 697)
Decker Kelly East Bay Environmental Biology (ENSC 240)
Decker Kelly East Bay Environmental Biology Lab (ENSC 241)
Derksen Craig East Bay Bio Ethics (PHIL 312)
Tan John East Bay Federal Taxation for Partnerships (ACCT 433)
Kahn Adam Long Beach Media Effects (COMM 422)
Aziz Sartaz East Bay College Writing II (ENGL 1002)
Akkus Oylum East Bay Statistics in Everyday Life (STAT 101)
Derksen Craig East Bay Workshop in Critical Thinking (PHIL 100)
Khosla Nidhi East Bay HIV/AIDS in a Global Context (HSC 445)
Akhavian Reza East Bay Cost Accounting Control and Reporting in Construction (CMGT 660)
Wang Jianjun Bakersfield Educational Research (EDRS 4600)
Hopkinson Bill East Bay Design and Implement User Interfaces for Online Instruction (OTL 682)
Espana-Najera Annabella Fresno Latin American Studies (CLAS 170)
Ferrarello Susi East Bay Workshop in Critical Thinking (PHIL 100)
Handwerker Lisa East Bay Lifespan Human Development (HDEV 380)
Castronovo Fadi East Bay Engineering Graphics for Construction Management (CMGT 410)
Selvarajan Rajan East Bay Staffing and Talent Management (MGMT 404)
Lopes Maria-Aparecia Fresno Mexico & The Southwest, 1810-1910 (CLAS 114)
Baxter Sally East Bay College Writing II (ENGL 200)
Carlisle Robert Bakersfield Sociolinguistics (ENGL 420)
Farmer Lesley Long Beach Information and Digital Literacies (ETEC 523)
Aguilera Earl Fresno C & I & Technology in Secondary Classrooms (CI 149)
Rippy Michelle East Bay Forensic Science (CRJ 380)
Anderson Jonathan San Bernardino Public Administration Theory and Practice (PA 611)
Conrad Joann East Bay Folklore and Anthropology (ANTH 331)
Mitchell James East Bay Content Literacy/English Language Learners (TED 521)
Dang Michelle Sacramento Foundations for Evidence-Based Nursing Practice (NURS 170)
Espinoza Alida Fresno Introduction to Human Sexuality (PH 91)
Ault Michael Bakersfield American Government & Politics (PLSI 101)
Barrett Natalie Fresno Deaf Culture (CSDS 139)
Klein Benjamin East Bay World History I: Pre-History c. 1500CE (HIST 101)
Irwin Mary Ann East Bay History and Trends in Nursing (HIST 447)
He Heidi Bakersfield Pathophysiologic Basis of Illness & Disease (NURS 4230)
Yonkers Michael Fresno Evidence (CRIM 127)
Rippy Michelle East Bay Advanced Criminal Investigation (CRJ 340)
Lin Robert East Bay IIntro to Managerial Accounting (ACCT 215)
Evans Allison Bakersfield Social Psychology (PSYC 3260)
Carlisle Robert Bakersfield The Structure of English (ENGL 3620)
Suarez Theresa San Marcos Senior Capstone in Community Service (SOC 495)
Marion Robin San Marcos Research Methods in Education (EDUC 622)
Chen Rong-Ji San Marcos Research Methods in Education (EDUC 622)
Sapozhnikov Marina East Bay Discursive Writing (ENGL 302)
Wang Jianjun Bakersfield Educational Statistics (EDRS 6600)
Prucha Huda East Bay Exercise and Well-Being (KIN 461)
Handwerker Lisa East Bay Anthropology of Global Change (ANTH 300)
Mosley Tammie East Bay Problems in Corporate Finance (FIN 410)
Greathouse Michael East Bay Legal Research and Writing I (POSC 801)
Guptill Anne East Bay Building the Online Environment (OTL 680)
Chen Li-Ling East Bay Current Technologies (EDUI 680)
Stanley Mary Jo Stanislaus Community Health Theory (NURS 4400)
Del Mar Thomas Maria East Bay Beginning Spanish for Healthcare Professionals (MLL 146)
Carlisle Robert Bakersfield International Folk Literature (ENGL 3440)
Glaeser Barbara Fullerton Research Practices in Instructional Design and Technology (IDT 510)
Jackson Summer East Bay Administration of Justice (CRJA 2500)
Mitchell James East Bay Professional Responsibilities in Education (TED 529)
Wu Chongqi East Bay Quantitative Fundamentals for Analytics (BAN 602)
Prucha Huda East Bay Nutrition and Performance (KIN 162)
Raburn Patricia East Bay Writing for Proficiency (ENGL 3000)
Jessie Mildred Fresno American History to 1877 (HIST 11)
Akhavian Reza East Bay Issues in Construction Management (CMGT 6999)
Fanning Michael East Bay School Finance and Human Resources for Equity (EDLD 620)
Salley Witt East Bay Educational Planning and Development for Online Programs (OTL 605)
Rippy Michelle East Bay Crime Prevention and Control (CRJ 330)
Cavanaugh Elizabeth East Bay Law Office Management (POSC 825)
Jardin Keelin East Bay RT Program Planning and Implementation (REC 364)
Kim Kimberly East Bay Preceptorship Synthesis (NURS 452)
Handwerker Lisa East Bay Medical Anthropology (QNTH 3720)
Munger Ashley Los Angeles Family Resource and Case Management (CHDV 3440)
Kong Erick East Bay RT: Documentation and Assessment (REC 362)
Ionescu Elena Long Beach Perspectives on Gerontology (GERN 400)
Selvarajan Rajan East Bay Business and Professional Ethics (MGMT 3560)
Garza Lacey East Bay Blackboard Training Course
Jacobs Marc East Bay From Stage to Screen (THEA 242)
Powell Brent Stanislaus Family Health (KINS 4330)
Cleveland Steven East Bay Black Cinematic Tradition (ES 2300)
D'Alleva Mary East Bay Discursive Writing (ENGL 3003)
Fernandez Maria Los Angeles Health Care Delivery Systems (PH 4330)
Marwah Sanjay East Bay Advanced Policing Innovations (CRJ 410)
Guo Jiansheng East Bay Lifespan Social and Emotional Development (HDEV 3102)
Knapp Stacey San Jose Engineering Reports (ENGR 100W)
Hassman Tupelo East Bay Rhetorical Analysis, Argumentation, and Research (ENGL 1002)
Daniels Erika San Marcos Foundations of Literacy & Literacy Instruction (EDUC 606)
Mitchell James East Bay Technology in the Multiple Subjects Classroom (TED 507)
Adams Lee East Bay Introduction to Information Literacy (LIBY 1210)
Hedge Vish East Bay Project Management (MGMT 3110)
Yingling Vanessa East Bay Structural Kinesiology (KIN 3305)
Whiting Jason Fresno International Tourism (RA 130)
Anderson Jonathan San Bernardino Managing Diversity in Organizations (PA 619)
Wu Meiling East Bay Modern Japanese Short Stories in English Translation (MLL 3812)
Furniss Amy East Bay Introductory Physics: Force, Mass, Motion, Thermal, and Fluids (PHYS 125)
Strom Kathryn East Bay Qualitative and Quantitative Methods A (EDLD 8081)
Ortega Delia San Bernardino Race, Class, Gender, & Sexuality in the Lives of Women (ES 394)
Rao Asha East Bay Organizational Behavior (MGMT 3614)
Sapozhnikov Marina East Bay Writing for Proficiency (ENGL 300)
Diggs Nicole East Bay Health Care Policy Analysis (HCA 6260)
Helgren-Lempesis Valerie East Bay Exploring Education (TED 3001)
Park Nancy East Bay Traditional China (HIST 3311)
Lu Hui-tzu East Bay Intermediate Mandarin Chinese I (MLL 2601)
Maloles Cesar East Bay Marketing Principles (MKTG 3401)
Bickley Tom East Bay Intro to Information Literacy (LIBY 1210)
Narguizian Paul Los Angeles Global Change (BIOL 4200)
Ituarte Silvina East Bay Prejudice Violence Hate Crimes (CRJA 4330)
Buchanan Linda East Bay Women and Sport (KIN 2700)
Handwerker Lisa East Bay Theories of Human Development (HDEV 3201)
Chen Li-Ling East Bay Research in Educational Technologies (EDUI 640)
Jackson Tye Los Angeles Principles of Marketing (MKT 3100)
Park Nancy East Bay HIST 1015 World Civilization II (HIST 1015)
Guptill Anne East Bay Creating Digital Media for Online Instruction (OTL 6781)
Mosley Tammie East Bay Real Estate Valuation (FIN 4415)
D'Alleva Mary East Bay College Writing II (ENGL 1002)
Jardin Keelin East Bay Rec Therapy Processes (REC 4602)
Jelks Alton East Bay Public Policy Formulation (PUAD 6801)
Lankham Isaiah East Bay SAS Programming (STAT 6250)
Lin Frank San Bernardino Information Systems and Technology Management (IST 609)
Wu Meiling East Bay Modern Chinese Short Stories (MLL3612)
Rebessi Filippo East Bay Global Economics Analysis (ECON 3107)
Hannon Rie East Bay Online Elementary Japanese I (MLL 151)
Pan Fung-Shine East Bay Derivatives Markets (FIN 4315)
Cavanaugh Elizabeth East Bay Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility (POSC 7042)
Weissmann Debbie San Jose Seminar in Info. Science Intro to Scratch (INFO 287-14)
Rippy Michelle East Bay Basic Criminal Investigation (CRJA 2200)
Furniss Amy East Bay Astronomy (PHYS 1800)
Kong Erick East Bay Recreation Therapy: Advancing the Professional (REC 4604)
Poffenroth Mary San Jose State The Living World (BIOL 10)
Wu Chongqi East Bay Decision Science (MGMT 3100)
Ziff Georgie East Bay Writing for Proficiency (ENGL 3000)
Bonilla Diego Sacramento Digital Media Creation (COMS 106)
McClanahan Rachel Fullerton School Nurse Specialist 1 (NURS 530)
Parsons Karla Fullerton Advanced Concepts I (NURS 340)
Brueck Gregory East Bay History of California (HIST 3500)
Hopkinson Bill East Bay Designing Curriculum for Online Instruction (OTL 6704)
Hoke Shiori East Bay Online Intermediate Japanese III (MLL 2803)
Chen Li-Ling East Bay Principles of Instructional Design (EDUI 6210)
Weissmann Debbie San Jose Seminar in Information Science-Gamifying Info (INFO 287-11)
Calvo Luz East Bay Interracial Sex and Marriage (ES 3430)
Cleveland Steven East Bay Interracial Relationships, Sex & Marriage in Cinema (ES 3430)
Kaatz Kevin East Bay World Civilizations I (HIST 1014)
Hart Sara Humboldt World Religions (RS 105)
Park Nancy East Bay Modern Japan (HIST 3323)
Khalsa Datta East Bay The History and Culture of Online Learning Communities (OTL 6707)
Fricke Eric East Bay Investment Analysis (FIN 4310)
Ichinose Cherie Fullerton Pre-Calculus (Math 125)
Mosley Tammie East Bay Real Estate Finance & Investments (FIN 4410)
Van Wart Montgomery San Bernardino Human Resource Management in the Public Sector (PA 662)
Wen Roger East Bay Informations Technology Management (ITM 3060)
Shea Raj East Bay Business and Professional Ethics (MGMT 3560)
Kong Erick East Bay Introduction to Recreation Therapy (REC 3800)
Hopkinson Bill East Bay Interactivity in Online Environments (OTL 6783)
Guo Jiansheng East Bay Lifespan Physical & Cognitive Development (HDEV 3101)
Hillstrom Kathryn (Mandy) Los Angeles Fundamentals for Human Nutrition (NTRS 317)
Lancaster Jaime Humboldt Contemporary Topics in Economics (ECON 104)
Baggins David East Bay Constitutional Law (POSC 3441)
Strom Kathryn East Bay Dissertation Seminar (EDLD 8086)
Cleveland Leah Fullerton Nursing Research Evidence-Based Practice (NURS 310)
Janssen Volker Fullerton American History Survey (HIST 180)
Chai Kathleen Dominguez Hills Advanced Nursing Roles (MSN 502)
Radovilsky Zinovy East Bay Operations Management (MGMT 3620)
Fernandez Teresa Bakersfield Advanced Spanish Syntax (SPAN 409)
Hoke Shiori East Bay Intermediate Japanese II (MLL 2802)
Wu Meiling East Bay New Chinese Cinema (MLL 3611)
Wynants Shelli Fullerton Human Growth and Development (CAS 312)
Servatius Jodi East Bay Teaching Models for Online Instruction (OTL 6702)
Ichinose Cherie Fullerton College Algebra (Math 115)
Reitzel Amanda Humboldt Fundamentals of Speech Communication (COMM 100)
Knapp Stacey San Jose State Engineering Reports (100W)
Schodowski Patricia East Bay Technology Tools for Instruction (OTL 6703)
Park Nancy East Bay Postwar Japan, 1945-Present (HIST 3325)
Faires Debbie San Jose State Online Learning Tools & Strategies (INFO 203)
Seitz Stephanie East Bay Business & Professional Ethics (MGMT 3560)
Wong Andrew East Bay Language and Culture (ANTH 3800)
Baggins David East Bay American Political Science (POSC 3703)
Plough Bobbie East Bay Values and Purposes of Educational Leadership (EDLD 8000)
Smith Sara East Bay Child Language Development (HDEV 4120)
Guo Ying East Bay Introduction to Financial Accounting (ACCT 2251)
Park Nancy East Bay Early Japan, Antiquity to 1800 (HIST 3322)
Garon Maryanne Fullerton Theoretical Basis of Leadership and Organization in Nursing (NURS 511)
Chen Li-Ling East Bay Web as an Interactive Educational Tool (EDUI 6110)
Lee Jonathan San Francisco History of Asians in the U.S. (AAS 210)
Lu Hui-tzu East Bay Online Chinese: An Elementary Intensive Course (MLL 1604)
Mitchell James East Bay Psychological Foundations in Middle and Secondary School (TED 5301)
Kong Erick East Bay Recreation Therapy Diagnostic Groupings
Robertson Sue Fullerton Assessment & Evaluation in Nursing (NURS 517)
Guptill Anne East Bay Introduction to Online Learning & Teaching (OTL 6701)
Strom Kathryn East Bay Applied Research Methods (EDLD 8084)
Wang Jianjun Bakersfield Educational Statistics (EDRS 460)
Jan Chinglih East Bay Introduction to Financial Accounting (ACCT 2251)
Mosley Tammie East Bay Financial Management (FIN 3300)
Baggins David East Bay Comparative Law (POSC 3290)
Pan Fung-Shine East Bay Financial Management (FIN 3300)
Mittman Asa Chico Arts Appreciation (ARTH 100)
Dobrowolski Christine Humboldt Health Education: Optimal Bone and Muscle Development (HED 446)
Wu Meiling East Bay Experiencing Japanese Culture (MLL 3831)
Smith Sara East Bay Child Cognitive Development (HDEV 4110)
Wong Andrew East Bay Anthropology in the Modern World (ANTH 3000)
Orr Marsha Fullerton The Art and Science of Nursing (NURS 470A)
Molina-Jackson Edna Bakersfield Family & Stress (SOC 464)
Wu Chongqi East Bay Global Supply Chain Management (MGMT 3645)
Diller Marselline Bakersfield Math Methods (EDEL 461)
Yadon Janie Bakersfield Community Health Nursing (NURS 441)
Kim-Ju Greg Sacramento PSYC 100 Cross-Cultural Psychology