Consistent, appropriate use of CSU Online Course Services branding enhances communication and is designed to work in tandem with official professional development course completion badges and official course certification marks. Below you will find guidance on how to use the key visual elements that make up CSU Online Course Services brand identity. Please contact to request CSU Online Course Services official wordmarks.
Official wordmark

Alternate wordmark

Social Media Identity

The CSU Online Course Services wordmark is in alignment with the core components of the CSU Chancellor’s Office Branding Guidelines. The complete mark is comprised of the “CSU” block and the California State University name in type with the department name directly beneath.
Certification Marks
CSU Online Course Services issues certified course and peer review certification marks for CSU courses and CSU faculty and staff who have successfully met course certification and reviewer certification requirements.

QLT Certified Course
When you see the CSU-Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) course certification mark—in course catalogs, on websites and in learning management systems—it means that the course has successfully met CSU-QLT Rubric Standards for course design through the CSU QLT Course Review and Certification Process.

QLT Certified Peer Reviewer
When you see the CSU-Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) peer reviewer mark—on websites, signature lines and professional profiles—it means that the individual has successfully completed CSU-QLT course peer reviewer training through the CSU QLT Course Reviewer Certification Process.
Course Completion Badges
CSU Online Course Services issues course completion badges to CSU faculty and staff who successfully complete the following current course offerings. What are Digital Badges?
Intro to Teaching Online with QLT
Reviewing Courses Using QLT
Advanced QLT Course in Teaching Online
Course completion badges and certifications are issued by CSU Online Course Services through This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..
Please contact to request official wordmarks, certification marks and/or course completion badges.