Video Transcript for Advanced QLT Course in Teaching Online

Hello and welcome to the Advanced QLT Course in Teaching Online. My name is <type your name here> and I am the facilitator for this course  <type 2-3 sentences about yourself, your campus role, experience using/teaching CSU QLT/campus classes>

I am delighted to have you in this professional development training opportunity. Over the next three weeks you will engage with eight modules designed to help you become a more proficient online instructor.

Topics in the course range from how to design a syllabus that is both engaging while effectively communicating important course policies, strategies to get to know your students, how to structure and organize your online course to optimize the success of your students. You will also be gaining ideas for delivering alternative and equitable assessments, how to strengthen active learning with video, as well as ideas for optimizing communication and collaboration in your course. Additionally, you will find many opportunities for engaging with new and emerging technology as you complete the course assignments.

You will be applying what you are learning in your own online course in which you identified areas for improvement based on the QLT Core 24 self-review. If you have not yet done so, make sure to complete this review as soon as possible as it will assist you and serve as a guide as you make changes to your course.  As you progress through this course you will be making updates to your online course which will be showcased in a video tour.

While this course is self-paced, it is important to follow the course schedule as peer-to-peer collaboration is integral to your success and satisfaction in the course. We will also be hosting three optional Zoom sessions that are designed to be office hours but may also include topics of interest.

As your course facilitator you will find more about myself in the Start Here area of the course. I look forward to you joining us as we build a community of sharing and learning together. Let the journey begin!