Video Transcript for Introduction to Teaching Online Using QLT

Hello and welcome to Introduction to Teaching Online using the QLT Rubric. My name is Mary Bennett and I am an Instructional Designer at Fresno State and the CSU QLT Course Manager.

The QLT team is excited to have you in this professional development training opportunity. Over the next three weeks you will engage with seven modules designed to help strengthen your skills as an online instructor while learning the basics of online course design using the QLT Rubric as a guide.

Topics in the course range from an introduction to online teaching, how to develop a course framework that ensures your objectives are measurable and align with your content, as well as strategies for applying Universal Design for Learning principles. You will also explore tips for humanizing your course and setting expectations for an inclusive and equitable learning environment. Additionally, you will look at video creation tools, select one, and create a short video to meet the needs of students in your course. You will dive into formative and summative assessment strategies for the online classroom.

As you complete the course assignments, you will find many opportunities for engaging with new and emerging technology. You will also participate in reflective practice as you think about what you are learning and learned will be applied in your own online course.

Keep in mind that while this course is self-paced, it is important to follow the course schedule as peer-to-peer collaboration is integral to your success and satisfaction in the course. We will be hosting three optional Zoom sessions designed to be office hours but may also include topics of interest.

On behalf of the QLT team at the Chancellor’s Office, we look forward to working alongside you and your facilitators as we together build a community of sharing and learning.