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Active Learning Lesson with a TEDEd Video

Assessment Tool
Anna Phillips, an Instructor at CSU San Bernardino, developed an active learning activity with the user-friendly and broad application of the TEDEd lesson builder. The lesson includes the components of Watch, Think, Dig Deeper and Discuss. Questions are linked to specific sections of the video and students are also asked to answer short-answer questions.
QLT Objectives Met
QLT Section 5: Facilitation and Instruction
- Objective: 5.2 The instructor clearly helps students make connections between the content and the course activities, and how their life experience and mastery of concepts gained in the course will integrate into their college degree, future career, and role as a global citizen.
- Objective: 5.3 The instructor presents the course material and concepts in an orderly, effective, and engaging manner.
QLT Section 6: Technology for Teaching and Learning
- Objective: 6.2 Technological tools and resources used in the course enable student engagement and active learning.
Opening TedEd Video - The Anthropocene: The age of mankind in new window or
TedEd Video - The Anthropocene: The age of mankind This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.
Additional Information
- Material Type: Assessment Tool
- Author: Anna Phillips, Instructor
- Institution: California State University, San Bernardino
- Date Created: 2021-03-21
- Course Format: Online
QM Standard Equivalents
- QM General Standard 6: Course Technology
- Standard: 6.3 A variety of technology is used in the course.