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Instructions for Using Respondus Lockdown Browser

Assessment Tool
Archana Mohan, Instructor from Fresno State, uses a summative assessment in Canvas using Respondus Lockdown browser and a Webcam. The instructor provides instructions for the quiz and a link for downloading the Respondus tool and provides simple instructions for navigating to the quiz, once Respondus is installed.
QLT Objectives Met
QLT Section 6: Technology for Teaching and Learning
- Objective: 6.3 The instructor provides clear information regarding access to the technology and related resources required in the course.
Additional Information
- Material Type: Assessment Tool
- Author: Archana Mohan, Instructor
- Institution: California State University, Fresno
- Date Created: 2021-07-14
- Course Format: Online
QM Standard Equivalents
- QM General Standard 6: Course Technology
- Standard: 6.2 Course tools promote learner engagement and active learning.