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Prompt and Rubric Reflective Writing Assignment

Krista Henderson, an Instructor from CSU Fullerton, shares a detailed writing assignment where students describe the scope of their previous sexual education and describe what the "ideal" sex ed program is. The instructor provides 6 question prompts and a detailed rubric which provides 5 criteria for evaluating the essay.
QLT Objectives Met
QLT Section 2: Assessment of Student Learning
- Objective: 2.3 The learning activities (including the assignments and ungraded activities) must align to the course or module SLOs and promote or reference the specific SLO to be achieved.
- Objective: 2.4 The assessment instruments (e.g., rubrics, grading sheets) are detailed and appropriate to the student work and respective outcomes being assessed. This includes assessing modes of online participation and contributions.
QLT Section 5: Facilitation and Instruction
- Objective: 5.2 The instructor clearly helps students make connections between the content and the course activities, and how their life experience and mastery of concepts gained in the course will integrate into their college degree, future career, and role as a global citizen.
Additional Information
- Material Type: Assignment
- Author: Krista Henderson, Instructor
- Institution: California State University, Fullerton
- Date Created: 2021-08-10
- Course Format: Online
QM Standard Equivalents
- QM General Standard 2: Learning Objectives (Competencies)
- Standard: 2.4 The relationship between learning objectives, learning activities, and assessments is made clear.
- QM General Standard 3: Assessment and Measurement
- Standard: 3.1 The assessments measure the achievement of the stated learning objectives.
- Standard: 3.3 Specific and descriptive criteria are provided for the evaluation of learners’ work, and their connection to the course grading policy is clearly explained.
- Standard: 3.4 The course includes multiple types of assessments that are sequenced and suited to the level of the course.
- QM General Standard 5: Learning Activities and Learner Interaction
- Standard: 5.1 The learning activities help learners achieve the stated objectives.