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Instructor Learner Profile

Illustration / Graphic
Instructor Carmen Saunders-Russell, from CSU Northridge, uses Canva to creatively share her instructor profile. It includes preferred pronouns, words that describe her as a learner, what motivates her to learn, her learning goals for the course, her experience about adult learning theories, and a fun fact about her that you won't find on her resume. Providing a detailed profile humanizes the instructor and creates a sense of belonging in the course.
QLT Objectives Met
QLT Section 1: Course Overview and Introduction
- Objective: 1.2 Detailed instructor information is available to students and includes multiple and preferred formats for being contacted by students, availability information, brief biographical information including pronouns, and a picture of or video from the instructor.
Additional Information
- Material Type: Illustration / Graphic
- Author: Carmen Saunders-Russell, Instructor
- Institution: California State University, Northridge
- Date Created: 2021-11-18
- Course Format: Online
QM Standard Equivalents
- QM General Standard 1: Course Overview and Introduction
- Standard: 1.8 The self-introduction by the instructor is welcoming and is available in the course site.