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Course & Module Objectives aligned to Assignments

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Michelle Lopez, an Instructor from CSU Los Angeles, provides a detailed syllabus for CLS 1300. A sample of the course and module objectives are provided along with a list of the type of assessments used to evaluate the CLOs.

QLT Objectives Met

  • QLT Section 2: Assessment of Student Learning
    • Objective: 2.3 The learning activities (including the assignments and ungraded activities) must align to the course or module SLOs and promote or reference the specific SLO to be achieved.


Additional Information

  • Material Type: Syllabus
  • Author: Michelle Lopez, Instructor
  • Institution: California State University, Los Angeles
  • Date Created: 2022-12-06
  • Course Format:   Online

QM Standard Equivalents

  • QM General Standard 2: Learning Objectives (Competencies)
  • Standard: 2.4 The relationship between learning objectives, learning activities, and assessments is made clear.
  • QM General Standard 5: Learning Activities and Learner Interaction
  • Standard: 5.1 The learning activities help learners achieve the stated objectives.