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Active Learning Video using TEDed & Playposit

Joel Slade, Instructor from California State University, Fresno, created active learning questions in an edited TEDed video on the misconceptions of evolution in Playposit to be used in his evolution course. Students in this online course will be prompted with several questions in their asynchronous lecture videos. People can use Playposit to integrate questions as students watch pre-recorded lecture videos.
QLT Objectives Met
QLT Section 2: Assessment of Student Learning
- Objective: 2.5 Throughout the semester, the instructor provides multiple opportunities to give feedback on students’ learning, and to help students "self-check" their learning.
QLT Section 6: Technology for Teaching and Learning
- Objective: 6.2 Technological tools and resources used in the course enable student engagement and active learning.
- Objective: 6.5 The media used in the course exhibits adequate visual and/or sound quality and promotes ease of use for the learner
Opening Active Learning Asyncrhonous Video in new window or
Active Learning Asyncrhonous Video This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.
Additional Information
- Material Type: Video
- Author: Joel Slade, Instructor
- Institution: California State University, Fresno
- Date Created: 2023-04-15
QM Standard Equivalents
- QM General Standard 3: Assessment and Measurement
- Standard: 3.5 The types and timing of assessments provide learners with multiple opportunities to track their learning progress with timely feedback.
- QM General Standard 6: Course Technology
- Standard: 6.3 A variety of technology is used in the course.