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Playposit for Chem 251 Spectroscopy Unit

Michelle Kobrin, Instructor from Channel Islands, created Playposit bulbs for Chem 251Quantitative Analysis spectroscopy unit. The unit included a playlist of 10 Playposit bulbs compiled into a single playlist, which was assigned in Canvas for students to interact with during Week 14 lectures. Chem 251 is a flipped class, so this Playposit set served as their lectures for the week. Post week 14, Chem 251 students were interviewed to evaluate the advantages of Playposit technology compared to the previous approach, where watching the lectures was optional. Based on the feedback, this Playposit playlist will continue to be incorporated into the Chem 251 course going forward.
QLT Objectives Met
QLT Section 3: Instructional Materials and Resources
- Objective: 3.5 There is a variety of instructional material types that lead to more UDL/access and student engagement, while not overly relying on one content type such as text.
QLT Section 6: Technology for Teaching and Learning
- Objective: 6.1 The tools and media facilitate achievement of course learning objectives/outcomes.
- Objective: 6.2 Technological tools and resources used in the course enable student engagement and active learning.
Opening Chem 250 Spectroscopy Playposit Playlist in new window or
Chem 250 Spectroscopy Playposit Playlist This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.
Additional Information
- Material Type: Assignment
- Author: Michelle Kobrin, Instructor
- Institution: California State University, Channel Islands
- Date Created: 2024-04-25
QM Standard Equivalents
- QM General Standard 4: Instructional Materials
- Standard: 4.5 A variety of instructional materials is used in the course.
- QM General Standard 6: Course Technology
- Standard: 6.1 The tools used in the course support the learning objectives.
- Standard: 6.3 A variety of technology is used in the course.