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Learner Profile Survey for an Online Course

Assessment Tool
Assistant Professor Indumathi Jeyachandran from San Jose State University, uses this survey to gauge students' experience in taking an online class, and their feeling about being in an online course. Further, questions on students’ experience in using the required software is included.
QLT Objectives Met
QLT Section 1: Course Overview and Introduction
- Objective: 1.8 Instructor asks students to share or reflect on their own learning goals.
QLT Section 4: Student Interaction and Community
- Objective: 4.2 Instructor provides information about being a successful learner/student.
Additional Information
- Material Type: Assessment Tool
- Author: Indumathi Jeyachandran, Assistant Professor
- Institution: San Jose State University
- Date Created: 2021-03-06
- Course Format: Online