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Interactive Video

Interactive Video
California State University, Fresno
Maria-Aparecida Lopes, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses short videos (under 7 minutes) to engage students so that the viewing experience is active and not passive. In this activity, the videos were recorded and existing media was embedded. Quizzes and notes were then added using Panopto and EdPuzzle to make them interactive.

Rubric for a Calculus Assignment

Rubric for a Calculus Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Antonina Tofan, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a rubric in Canvas for an assignment in a Calculus class. Students are asked to find derivative of a function by solving a problem and then posting their work to a Discussion Board. for peer feedback.

Diversity Statement & Learner Support Resources

Diversity Statement & Learner Support Resources
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Juanita Jellyman, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, provides a syllabus that includes technical support, a diversity statement and resources available to support students.

Instructions for Using Respondus Lockdown Browser

Instructions for Using Respondus Lockdown Browser
California State University, Fresno
Archana Mohan, Instructor from Fresno State, uses a summative assessment in Canvas using Respondus Lockdown browser and a Webcam. The instructor provides instructions for the quiz and a link for downloading the Respondus tool and provides simple instructions for navigating to the quiz, once Respondus is installed.

Interactive Video Introduction to the Water Crisis

Interactive Video Introduction to the Water Crisis
California State University, Fresno
Joshua Reece, an Instructor from Fresno State, uses a YouTube video along with EdPuzzle to activity engage students. Students are required to answer questions about the water crisis throughout the viewing experience.

Assignment Using Transparent Assignment Design and Mind Mapping

Assignment Using Transparent Assignment Design and Mind Mapping
California State University, Los Angeles
Margaret Finnegan, an Instructor from CSU Los Angeles, shares an information literacy project in which students choose a topic related to a criminal justice career that they would like to learn more about and find sources to support their opinion. The assignment description uses the “Transparent Assignment Design” template which makes learning more explicit for students. It also offers a different way to demonstrate mastery with students creating a mind-map created with bubbl.us.

Revised Home Page

Revised Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Nisha Nair, an Instructor at Fresno State, includes a welcoming home page in the Evaluation in Nursing Education Course. The page includes a brief welcome message with a link to a Learner Profile Survey as well as important course links and links to each course module.

Active Learning with Video using Playposit

Active Learning with Video using Playposit
California State University, Los Angeles
Tammy Aguilar, Instructor from CSU Los Angeles uses video platform Playposit to transform a static viewing experience to one that is active and engaging. As students watch the lecture video explaining the difference between an IEP and a 504 Plan they will come across three embedded questions that they are required to answer.

Syllabus - Updated Policies and Diversity Statement

Syllabus - Updated Policies and Diversity Statement
California State University, Fresno
Christopher Moss, an Instructor from Fresno State, provides a syllabus updated to be more inclusive with diversity and accessibility information. Sample templates were provided by Fresno State and added to provide an update to the syllabus that is more accessible and inclusive.

Student Profile Survey

Student Profile Survey
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Professor Tannaz Rezaei Damavandi, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, provides a 10 question student survey implemented in Google form. This form captures some information about computer science major students who take "Design and Analysis of Algorithms" course in virtual instructional mode.

Interactive Syllabus Questionnaire

Interactive Syllabus Questionnaire
California State University, Fresno
Hillary Jones, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses an interactive syllabus which takes students through all of the material on a traditional syllabus but also asks students questions about their goals, concerns, and questions about the class empowering professors to engage students from day one. This interactive syllabus was developed using Google forms and was inspired by Dr. Guy McHendry's work on InteractiveSyllabus.com.

Syllabus - Alignment Chart

Syllabus - Alignment Chart
San Jose State University
Maureen Smith, an Instructor at San Jose State University, provides an alignment matrix that aligns the weekly activities with the course level objectives. The matrix provides the assignments, points, percent of the total, minimum number of words, and affiliated learning outcomes.

Student Success Survey

Student Success Survey
California State University, Long Beach
Adam Kahn, an Instructor from CSU Long Beach, shares a "Student Success Survey" which helps instructors get to know students, both personally and in terms of identifying their basic needs and barriers to success. It was built in Qualtrics but is being uploaded in Word format for easy adaptation to other survey software and/or LMS. Students fill it out in the first week of class, and the instructor personally emails every student to let them know they read their responses and provides resources/suggestions based on any barriers they may have identified. Note: some of these questions were derived from the Long Beach City College Cultural Curriculum Audit program.

Home Page

Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Tom Boroujeni from Fresno State, designed the course home page to offer a centralized location for students to begin and navigate the course. The inviting and easy to navigate site includes resources for students that they can click on to access information about what is available to them, such as the campus food pantry and health services.

Community Policies Presentation

Community Policies Presentation
California State University, Northridge
Joannie Aguayo, an Instructor from CSU Northridge, shares a presentation which provides course community policies, including a diversity statement, commitment to gender-neutral language, microaggressions or biased-language, netiquette, web-cam etiquette, academic honesty, tips for success.