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Getting to Know Me Survey

Getting to Know Me Survey
California State University, Bakersfield
Adriana Cervantes-Gonzalez, an Instructor from CSU Bakersfield, distributes a "Getting to Know Me Survey (10 items)" at the beginning of each course. This helps to build an inclusive community that is affirming and responsive to individuals' needs, while maintaining their right to privacy.

Using VoiceThread for Peer to Peer Engagement

Using VoiceThread for Peer to Peer Engagement
California State University, San Bernardino
Miriam Fernandez from CSU San Bernardino, uses Voicethread to record lectures into several “slides.” Text, voice, as well as a YouTube video, were used to make connections to the information being presented. The screenshot shows students responded to each other as well as to the general information.

Example Discussion Rubric

Example Discussion Rubric
California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Juila Alber, and instructor at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, developed this 5-point rubric which describes how the student will be graded for their initial post and their reply on an Introduction Discussion.

Rubric for IST 2410 Final project

Rubric for IST 2410 Final project
California State University, San Bernardino
Benjamin Becerra, an Instructor at CSU San Bernardino, developed a rubric to assess the final summative project that students take in a database management course. The elements included in the rubric cover all areas of the course, including the application of specific software. and provide an explanation of what each category means.

TEDEd Lesson for Research Course

TEDEd Lesson for Research Course
San Jose State University
Robin Whitney, an Instructor from San Jose State University, uses a TEDEd Lesson to introduce the differences between qualitative and quantitative research. This lesson uses a short video instead of an assigned reading with questions embedded to actively engage students in the assignment.

Collaborative Communication Guide using Google Slides and EdPuzzle

Collaborative Communication Guide using Google Slides and EdPuzzle
California State University, Fullerton
April Franklin, an Instructor at CSU Fullerton, developed a group activity where students create a course content resource guide to reinforce expected course mastery and the learning of new technical skills. Students first develop the Guide in their groups, create a Google Slide presentation, and finally create an active learning video of the Guide using EdPuzzle.

Jamboard for Online Office Hour

Jamboard for Online Office Hour
California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Neal MacDougall, an Instructor at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, uses office hours to review and practice concepts learned. He uses Jamboard to recreate key parts of the guided inquiry exercise and allows students to work on the same Jamboard. Office hours become more dynamic and simulate the feel of a “face-to-face” environment.

Using TEDEd for Active Learning

Using TEDEd for Active Learning
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Sharonda Bishop, Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, uses TEDEd to incorporate video learning of instructional material via Q&A, adding in-depth resources on the topic, and having a discussion board with the learners.

Possible Lives Mapping Activity with Accompanying Jamboard

Possible Lives Mapping Activity with Accompanying Jamboard
California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt
Loren Collins, a Faculty Development Coordinator from Cal Poly Humboldt developed an activity for faculty that could be used in their courses. The activity leads students through imagining a range of lives in different careers and mapping out how to prepare for them. Students post their "Possible Lives Maps" onto a collection of Jamboards and interact with each other by posting post-its and commenting.

Survey - Personal Goals and Influences

Survey - Personal Goals and Influences
California State University, Chico
John Meyer, an Instructor from CSU Chico, shares a 9-item survey to learn about the students in the class, any potential and perceived obstacles to their success, as well as their academic and personal goals. Additionally, the survey result will inform examples used in the course so that they are more relevant and accessible.

Active Learning with Videos

Active Learning with Videos
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Prakash Dheeriya, an Instructor from CSU Dominguez Hills, uses Camtasia to create a video with imbedded questions. Embedding questions within the video gives students an opportunity to check for understanding and transforms a traditional lecture into an active learning experience.

Google Earth Mapping - Map Your Memorials

Google Earth Mapping - Map Your Memorials
San Jose State University
Tabitha Hart, an Instructor at San Jose State University, developed a peer activity using Google Earth. While engaged in peer-to-peer interaction, students use a shared Google Earth map to collaboratively create an interactive tour of memorial sites in Berlin, Germany.

Alternative Assessment - Infographic Assignment

Alternative Assessment - Infographic Assignment
California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Maurice Stefanee, an Instructor at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, provides students choice in developing a Leadership Philosophy Infographic assignment which also includes citations for technology resources .

Learner Profile Survey - JOUR 218 Media, Self & Society

Learner Profile Survey - JOUR 218 Media, Self & Society
California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Patti Piburn, an Instructor from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, shares a 8-item Learner Profile Survey deployed in JOUR 218 Media, Self & Society. It asks students to identify their goals, personal pronouns, workplace environment, and their feelings about taking an online class.

Welcome Introduction Assignment Using Padlet

Welcome Introduction Assignment Using Padlet
California State University, Northridge
Amber Norwood, an Instructor from CSU Northridge, uses uses Padlet as a way for students to get to know each other the first week of the course. In this activity students create a post, with an optional picture, and share a little about themselves. This includes their pronouns, what they like to be called, as well as future goals.