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Introductions: "Self Presentation" Meet and Greet using VoiceThread

Introductions: "Self Presentation" Meet and Greet using VoiceThread
California State University, Los Angeles
Gabriela Ford, an Instructor at CSU Los Angeles, created an activity where students introduce themselves in a meaningful way by engaging in a virtual Meet and Greet the first week of the semester. Using VoiceThread students record an introduction with the goal of humanizing and providing a safe and supportive environment from the beginning in order to foster an active learning community.

Interactive Video using EdPuzzle

Interactive Video using EdPuzzle
San Francisco State University
Santos Maricel, an Instructor from San Francisco State University, uses EdPuzzle, an interactive tool, to change the reading experience from an isolating experience into an active one. This video invites students to react to a video presentation by (1) reflecting on the findings of a diary study of a language learner's experience; (2) providing a brief commentary on diary study as a research method; and (3) asks the reader to consider how this article can help them think about their first major paper writing assignment (an analysis of their own language learning processes).

Active Learning Using PlayPosit

Active Learning Using PlayPosit
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Negin Tahvildary from Fresno State, uses PlayPosit to turn a class lecture into active learning with embedded question prompts. In the clip, student find their default communication style and compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of each style.

Weekly homework Rubric in Math 104

Weekly homework Rubric in Math 104
California State University, Long Beach
Jen Mei Chang, an Instructor at CSU Long Beach, provides a detailed rubric for math homework assignments submitted online using three criteria for grading: (1) accuracy of a graded problem, (2) completeness of the whole assignment, and (3) whether the submitted work follows the directions of the assignment as well as the readability of the presentation.

Video Activity for Diversity in France: Black M - Je suis chez moi

Video Activity for Diversity in France: Black M - Je suis chez moi
California State University, Fresno
Natalie Munoz, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses EdPuzzle to embed questions into a music video by Black M, called "Je suis chez moi." This music video explores ideas of diversity and inclusivity in France. The embedded questions allow the student to engage more directly with the content of the video.