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Course Home Page

Course Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Gil Kim, an Instructor at Fresno State, created a welcoming home page where students are greeted with a friendly message and an instructor introduction video. Buttons for each module were also added using Canvas for graphics that link to each area of the course.

"Class Community" Syllabus Information and Padlet Activity

"Class Community" Syllabus Information and Padlet Activity
California State University, San Bernardino
Jasmine Lee, an Assistant Professor from CSU San Bernardino, uses a Padlet board to prompt a class discussion about building a class community.

Learner Profile Survey

Learner Profile Survey
California State University, Bakersfield
Jamie Butow, an Instructor at CSU Bakersfield, developed this learner survey to send to students at the beginning of each semester. In addition to asking about any anxiety they may have with the course content and online pedagogy, it addresses any obstacles they may have in their lives that would affect their coursework.

Active Learning Lesson with a TEDEd Video

Active Learning Lesson with a TEDEd Video
California State University, San Bernardino
Anna Phillips, an Instructor at CSU San Bernardino, developed an active learning activity with the user-friendly and broad application of the TEDEd lesson builder. The lesson includes the components of Watch, Think, Dig Deeper and Discuss. Questions are linked to specific sections of the video and students are also asked to answer short-answer questions.

Writing Rubric for Spanish Language Upper Division Course

Writing Rubric for Spanish Language Upper Division Course
California State University, San Bernardino
Carmen Jany, an Instructor from CSU San Bernardino, provides a rubric for evaluating an essay that uses an essay prompt and students examine a case study for Healthcare Spanish in an upper division Spanish course. The rubric includes 5 criteria- Text type, language function, language accuracy, comprehensibility, and cultural appropriateness across 4 levels of achievement.