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Instructor Role for Supporting Students

Instructor Role for Supporting Students
California State University, Northridge
CSU Northridge Professor Susana Marcelo, provides her students with a statement in her syllabus that discusses her role in working to support students and what they should do if they have fallen behind in the course.

Assignment Exploring Systems of Oppression and Power

Assignment Exploring Systems of Oppression and Power
California State University, Northridge
Casey terHorst, an Instructor at CSU Northridge, developed an assignment that provides a space for students to explore systems of oppression and power. The purpose of the assignment is to connect the course topic "Human Evolution" and experiences of the students.

Closing Announcement

Closing Announcement
California State University, Northridge
Hillary Kaplowitz, Instructional Designer and Instructor from CSU Northridge, sends students an end of semester announcement, summarizing how far they have come and what they have learned.

Syllabus Accessibility Policy Statement

Syllabus Accessibility Policy Statement
California State University, Northridge
Susana Marcelo, an Instructor and Instructional Designer at CSU Northridge, includes the following statement in her syllabus that provides students with a clear explanation of her role in supporting students with a link to the campus disability support services office.

Wrap-Up Message After a Microaggression has Occurred in Class

Wrap-Up Message After a Microaggression has Occurred in Class
California State University, Northridge
Kristy Michaud, an Instructor from CSU Northridge, provides an example of a wrap-up message where she acknowledges the grace in which the class navigated a difficult conversation around a microaggression that occurred in class.

A Letter to an Elected Official Assignment

A Letter to an Elected Official Assignment
California State University, Northridge
In this example, CSU Northridge Instructor Kristy Michaud, assigns "A Letter to an Elected Official" assignment that is aimed to increase their sense of agency by writing a letter to an elected official about an issue that has an impact on them and their community.

Discussion Board Rubric

Discussion Board Rubric
San Jose State University
Nik Tehrani, an Instructor at San Jose State University, developed a rubric used for all discussion board assignments. The rubric helps clarify any vague information and helps students understand the expectations. The goal of the rubric is to help students self-improve and inspire better student performance.

Collaborative Jamboard Activity

Collaborative Jamboard Activity
California State University, San Marcos
Kim McCarthy, an Instructor from CSU San Marcos, uses Google Jamboard for class collaboration. Students respond to the question prompt posted on the Jamboard. They then interact with each other by posting a picture, drawing, text, or a "stickie note" in response to the prompt.

Optional Assignment - Choice

Optional Assignment - Choice
California State University, Northridge
Ning Fu, an Instructor from CSU Northridge, provides an optional assignment where students can complete and attain a "Google Analytics Certificate" that they can include in their resume. This certification will be relevant for students upon graduation.

HSU Template - Online Technical Skills & Requirements

HSU Template - Online Technical Skills & Requirements
California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt
Kim Vincent-Layton, an Instructional Designer at Cal Poly Humboldt, created a basic template for all online courses. The template provides 6 tips for success as an online learner, attitude and technical skills required, and minimum hardware and software requirements. This can be modified to fit any class.

Structured Group Discussions Providing Roleplaying & Choice

Structured Group Discussions Providing Roleplaying & Choice
California State University, Fresno
Ryan Ditchfield, an Instructor at Fresno State, creatively organizes group discussions providing students an opportunity to self-assign themselves to a group discussion topic that interest them in his "Eyewitness Identification-FTB 159T" class. In the group discussions they have the choice to pick a role - Researcher, Eyewitness, Defense Attorney, Police Officer, Suspect, and Timekeeper and throughout the semester the students will also be changing to a different group and also change their role. This example represents student choice and group roles in discussions.

Infographic of Communication Policy

Infographic of Communication Policy
California State University, Fullerton
Greg Childers, an Associate Professor of Physics at CSU Fullerton, describes in his syllabus his communication policy. He breaks down his communication policy for his office hours, telephone calls and emails. He also shares his policy using an infographic.

Diversity in Authors' Background and Scholar in the Field

Diversity in Authors' Background and Scholar in the Field
San Francisco State University
Carina Gallo, an Instructor at San Francisco State University, provides materials from authors who have diverse backgrounds and are scholars in their field of criminology. The instructor provides a journal article and audio podcast from author Mugambi Jouet who is an Associate Professor at USC and human rights lawyer in the module discussion about "New-Liberal Penal Policies."

Complex Infographic Description

Complex Infographic Description
California State University, Stanislaus
Glenn Pillsbury, an Instructional Designer at CSU Stanislaus, provided this resource as an example of an alternate description of a complex infographic. The infographic describes the interconnected pathways that comprise the health care system in the United States. A simple alt text description would be insufficient and so a more detailed long description was created.

Required Textbook Information

Required Textbook Information
California State University, Northridge
Nanci Carr, an Instructor at CSU Northridge, includes this language in the syllabus stating that a specific edition of the textbook is required. This language lets the students know that if this edition is not used the assignments in the course will not align. The price of the textbook along with the formats available is also included.