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Interactive Video

Interactive Video
California State University, Fresno
Maria-Aparecida Lopes, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses short videos (under 7 minutes) to engage students so that the viewing experience is active and not passive. In this activity, the videos were recorded and existing media was embedded. Quizzes and notes were then added using Panopto and EdPuzzle to make them interactive.

Instructions for Using Respondus Lockdown Browser

Instructions for Using Respondus Lockdown Browser
California State University, Fresno
Archana Mohan, Instructor from Fresno State, uses a summative assessment in Canvas using Respondus Lockdown browser and a Webcam. The instructor provides instructions for the quiz and a link for downloading the Respondus tool and provides simple instructions for navigating to the quiz, once Respondus is installed.

Interactive Video Introduction to the Water Crisis

Interactive Video Introduction to the Water Crisis
California State University, Fresno
Joshua Reece, an Instructor from Fresno State, uses a YouTube video along with EdPuzzle to activity engage students. Students are required to answer questions about the water crisis throughout the viewing experience.

Assignment Using Transparent Assignment Design and Mind Mapping

Assignment Using Transparent Assignment Design and Mind Mapping
California State University, Los Angeles
Margaret Finnegan, an Instructor from CSU Los Angeles, shares an information literacy project in which students choose a topic related to a criminal justice career that they would like to learn more about and find sources to support their opinion. The assignment description uses the “Transparent Assignment Design” template which makes learning more explicit for students. It also offers a different way to demonstrate mastery with students creating a mind-map created with bubbl.us.

Active Learning with Video using Playposit

Active Learning with Video using Playposit
California State University, Los Angeles
Tammy Aguilar, Instructor from CSU Los Angeles uses video platform Playposit to transform a static viewing experience to one that is active and engaging. As students watch the lecture video explaining the difference between an IEP and a 504 Plan they will come across three embedded questions that they are required to answer.

Active Learning Through a Team Project

Active Learning Through a Team Project
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Dr. Wu Lin, an Instructor at Cal Poly Pomona, designed a team project in an asynchronous online class to improve active learning. The project is chunked into weekly tasks and due at the end of the semester to facilitate and support active learning with frequent peer to peer engagement. in addition to helping students reinforce what they learned in class, the project also helps students develop various skills, including collaboration skills which will help them be successful beyond the class.

Assignment using Perusall

Assignment using Perusall
California State University, Fresno
Donald Henriques, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses the social annotation tool Perusall to encourage interactive reading.

Facilitating Asynchronous Debates

Facilitating Asynchronous Debates
California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt
Jill Anderson, an Instructor at Cal Poly Humboldt, developed a debate activity for an asynchronous online class that facilitates peer-to-peer interactions and critical thinking. This debate utilizes the online platform Kialo to host and organize the debate. This tool assists with the organization of information is an accessible tool that integrates with Canvas.

Preparing and Brainstorming for Experiential Lab Group Activity

Preparing and Brainstorming for Experiential Lab Group Activity
California State University, Fresno
Professor Emerita Betty Garcia from Fresno State, developed a small group activity where students are asked to brainstorm about "possible" "presenting problems" that would be brought to a group with the identified focus (i.e., graduate student stress) using Zoom breakout rooms. The purpose of this activity is to reflect on the role they will take in the group and in preparing and planning for the class lab group activity. The multi-sequence activity involves students thinking about options and choosing one. Possible presenting problems are posted on Jamboard for all students to review and factor into their decision-making about what "presenting problem" will be theirs.

Perusall Activity

Perusall Activity
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Terri Fleming-Dright, an Instructor from CSU Dominguez Hills, used the software Perusall to discuss a class reading. The opportunity to create starter posts and ask students questions that they can then respond to and each other is an excellent way of fostering active learning.

Interactive Video using EdPuzzle

Interactive Video using EdPuzzle
San Francisco State University
Santos Maricel, an Instructor from San Francisco State University, uses EdPuzzle, an interactive tool, to change the reading experience from an isolating experience into an active one. This video invites students to react to a video presentation by (1) reflecting on the findings of a diary study of a language learner's experience; (2) providing a brief commentary on diary study as a research method; and (3) asks the reader to consider how this article can help them think about their first major paper writing assignment (an analysis of their own language learning processes).

Collaborative Lab Activity Using Google Draw

Collaborative Lab Activity Using Google Draw
San Francisco State University
Instructor Susan Cholette from San Francisco State University, developed a group activity for synchronous online learning to replace the original quiz where students submitted an individual assessment. In this activity, students work in breakout rooms and collaborate on solving a problem using Google Draw.

Active Learning Using PlayPosit

Active Learning Using PlayPosit
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Negin Tahvildary from Fresno State, uses PlayPosit to turn a class lecture into active learning with embedded question prompts. In the clip, student find their default communication style and compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of each style.

Introductions: "Self Presentation" Meet and Greet using VoiceThread

Introductions: "Self Presentation" Meet and Greet using VoiceThread
California State University, Los Angeles
Gabriela Ford, an Instructor at CSU Los Angeles, created an activity where students introduce themselves in a meaningful way by engaging in a virtual Meet and Greet the first week of the semester. Using VoiceThread students record an introduction with the goal of humanizing and providing a safe and supportive environment from the beginning in order to foster an active learning community.

Essay Outline Peer Review Activity

Essay Outline Peer Review Activity
Sacramento State University
Joshua Pryor, an Instructor at Sacramento State University, utilized the peer-review feature in Canvas where students submit an essay outline and are asked to complete a peer-review rubric for 2 other student outlines. Finally, students need to upload their completed peer-review rubrics to Canvas.