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Complex Infographic Description

Complex Infographic Description
California State University, Stanislaus
Glenn Pillsbury, an Instructional Designer at CSU Stanislaus, provided this resource as an example of an alternate description of a complex infographic. The infographic describes the interconnected pathways that comprise the health care system in the United States. A simple alt text description would be insufficient and so a more detailed long description was created.

Required Textbook Information

Required Textbook Information
California State University, Northridge
Nanci Carr, an Instructor at CSU Northridge, includes this language in the syllabus stating that a specific edition of the textbook is required. This language lets the students know that if this edition is not used the assignments in the course will not align. The price of the textbook along with the formats available is also included.

Instructor Learner Profile

Instructor Learner Profile
California State University, Northridge
Instructor Carmen Saunders-Russell, from CSU Northridge, uses Canva to creatively share her instructor profile. It includes preferred pronouns, words that describe her as a learner, what motivates her to learn, her learning goals for the course, her experience about adult learning theories, and a fun fact about her that you won't find on her resume. Providing a detailed profile humanizes the instructor and creates a sense of belonging in the course.

Group Annotation Discussion Using Perusall

Group Annotation Discussion Using Perusall
California State University, Bakersfield
Natalie Thompson, an Instructor from CSU Bakersfield, shares a peer to peer annotation activity using the tool Perusall where students read and annotate a scholarly article. Detailed instructions are provided for the students about the discussion requirements.

Canvas Home Page

Canvas Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Faith Sidlow from Fresno State, created a redesigned homepage in Canvas that includes 15 buttons along the bottom of the homepage for each week. A clear link to takes the user to the syllabus and also to the start here module. There is also a warm instructor welcome message in the middle of the page along with a graphic and course title.