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Essay Outline Peer Review Activity

Essay Outline Peer Review Activity
Sacramento State University
Joshua Pryor, an Instructor at Sacramento State University, utilized the peer-review feature in Canvas where students submit an essay outline and are asked to complete a peer-review rubric for 2 other student outlines. Finally, students need to upload their completed peer-review rubrics to Canvas.

Small Group Activity using Jamboard

Small Group Activity using Jamboard
Sonoma State University
Mark Gondree, an Instructor at Sonoma State University, developed a Google Jamboard activity to facilitate small-group collaboration. In this activity, student teams analyze small snippets of code featuring ARM assembly, to first recognize function prologues/epilogues, then analyze possible deficiencies (missing things), then suggest improvements (removing things that are strictly unneeded), and finally share-out. The code snippets are added as background images, making the text immune from accidental erasure or modification during the activity.

Digital Storyboard Assignment with Peer-to-Peer Interaction

Digital Storyboard Assignment with Peer-to-Peer Interaction
California State University, Fresno
Dr. Gina Sandi-Diaz, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses a shared Google Drive where students upload their Digital Storyboard assignment created in Google Slides using the Pecha Kucha 20x20 format. Students are required to visit each other's storyboards and provide feedback to peers. Finally, students use a Google Jamboard to document what they learned from visiting their peer's assignments.

Group Annotation: An Introduction to Theatre

Group Annotation: An Introduction to Theatre
San Jose State University
Kathleen Normington, an Instructor at San Jose State University, uses Hypothesis for social annotation. Students read a chapter or pages from an assigned textbook with which Hypothesis has been linked to create class notes.

Introduction to American Politics

Introduction to American Politics
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Tremblay Pinar, an Instructor at Cal Poly Pomona, developed an assignment where students are asked to think about a law in their own majors and provide a change proposal (a new or revised law) in a letter to the senator. Students collaborate using Stormboard, an online whiteboard, to first discuss issues in their own field with their peers before deciding on the law they want to explore and propose a change in the letter.