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Assignment Information Video Production using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools

Assignment Information Video Production using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools
California State University, Channel Islands
Ryan Murphy, Assistant Professor of Business Communication at California State University Channel Islands, created an assignment information video using HeyGen (an AI avatar video creation tool) and ChatGPT. Assignment information videos supplement written assignment instructions, rubrics, and verbal explanations of an assignment in class. By offering assignment information using additional modes, student gain enhanced clarity and understanding of assignment instructions. Video instructions keep students engaged and they can be replayed as many times as necessary. Acknowledgement to Dr. Stephen Lind of the University of Southern California who presented this concept at the Association for Business Communication Western Regional Conference (Spring 2024), where he shared both practical outcome of AI videos like this as well as technical instructions for creating them.

Active Learning Using PlayPosit to Learn About the Aztecs

Active Learning Using PlayPosit to Learn About the Aztecs
San Diego State University
Carlos Figueroa Beltran, Instructor from San Diego State, created a five-question video quiz using PlayPosit to learn more about one of the most outstanding civilizations of the Americas. Although little recognized, the Aztecs excelled in education, technology, and sustainability. This is an example of how they transformed their environment to build one of the greatest cities of all times.

On-Demand, Interactive, PlayPosit Video Tutorials on Searching Library Databases

On-Demand, Interactive, PlayPosit Video Tutorials on Searching Library Databases
California State University, Channel Islands
Breeann Austin, the Instruction and Assessment Librarian from California State University, Channel Islands created active learning questions relevant to database searching and the research process. Using PlayPosit, these questions were embedded into two video tutorials on how to search library databases. These embedded questions allow students to actively engage with the videos and self-check their understanding of the material. Additionally, a questions template was created so librarians could reuse the questions in future video tutorials and instruction sessions.

Active Learning Video with Playposit

Active Learning Video with Playposit
California State University, Channel Islands
Vida Vakilian, an Instructor from California State University, Channel Islands, designed active learning questions and incorporated them into her recorded video on Number Systems and DeMorgan's Laws. These questions will be presented to students as they view their asynchronous lecture videos, which are accessible through Canvas and an online platform called Playposit. Playposit allows for the integration of questions into pre-recorded lecture videos, providing a tool for interactive learning.

Active Learning Video using TEDed & Playposit

Active Learning Video using TEDed & Playposit
California State University, Fresno
Joel Slade, Instructor from California State University, Fresno, created active learning questions in an edited TEDed video on the misconceptions of evolution in Playposit to be used in his evolution course. Students in this online course will be prompted with several questions in their asynchronous lecture videos. People can use Playposit to integrate questions as students watch pre-recorded lecture videos.

TEDEd Lesson: Nadine Burke-Harris - The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences

TEDEd Lesson: Nadine Burke-Harris - The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences
California State University, Stanislaus
Instructor Andrea Duroy, an Instructor at CSU Stanislaus, created a lesson in TEDEd designed to be an interactive learning tool for students in an asynchronous course. After students watch the video, they are presented with open ended questions, links to learn more about the topic, and a guided discussion question.

Active Learning Video using EdPuzzle

Active Learning Video using EdPuzzle
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
So Ra Baek, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, shares a video which in which a lesson was created using using EdPuzzle. The instructor embeds 3 questions at different intervals in the video for students to self-check their learning.

Active Learning Using EdPuzzle

Active Learning Using EdPuzzle
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Elam Marcus, an Instructor at Cal Poly Pomona, uses EdPuzzle to place interactive content into an existing video. This exercise engages students with asynchronous content as they answer questions prompts during the lecture video.

Active Learning with EdPuzzle

Active Learning with EdPuzzle
San Francisco State University
Maori Redman, an Instructor at San Francisco State, uses EdPuzzle to add active learning questions to video presentations. The goal is to ensure that students are actively watching and getting them to think about what is happening in the video as they watch.

Interactive Video

Interactive Video
California State University, Fresno
Maria-Aparecida Lopes, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses short videos (under 7 minutes) to engage students so that the viewing experience is active and not passive. In this activity, the videos were recorded and existing media was embedded. Quizzes and notes were then added using Panopto and EdPuzzle to make them interactive.

Interactive Video Introduction to the Water Crisis

Interactive Video Introduction to the Water Crisis
California State University, Fresno
Joshua Reece, an Instructor from Fresno State, uses a YouTube video along with EdPuzzle to activity engage students. Students are required to answer questions about the water crisis throughout the viewing experience.

Active Learning with Video using Playposit

Active Learning with Video using Playposit
California State University, Los Angeles
Tammy Aguilar, Instructor from CSU Los Angeles uses video platform Playposit to transform a static viewing experience to one that is active and engaging. As students watch the lecture video explaining the difference between an IEP and a 504 Plan they will come across three embedded questions that they are required to answer.

Interactive Video using EdPuzzle

Interactive Video using EdPuzzle
San Francisco State University
Santos Maricel, an Instructor from San Francisco State University, uses EdPuzzle, an interactive tool, to change the reading experience from an isolating experience into an active one. This video invites students to react to a video presentation by (1) reflecting on the findings of a diary study of a language learner's experience; (2) providing a brief commentary on diary study as a research method; and (3) asks the reader to consider how this article can help them think about their first major paper writing assignment (an analysis of their own language learning processes).

Video Activity for Diversity in France: Black M - Je suis chez moi

Video Activity for Diversity in France: Black M - Je suis chez moi
California State University, Fresno
Natalie Munoz, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses EdPuzzle to embed questions into a music video by Black M, called "Je suis chez moi." This music video explores ideas of diversity and inclusivity in France. The embedded questions allow the student to engage more directly with the content of the video.

PlayPosit Version of Video Titled "Horseshoe Crabs Saved My Life"

PlayPosit Version of Video Titled "Horseshoe Crabs Saved My Life"
California State University, San Bernardino
Holly Henry, an Instructor at CSU San Bernardino, uses the SciShow video, titled "Horseshoe Crabs Saved My Life," with the learning technology PlayPosit. Three quiz questions have been embedded into the video to increase students' active learning and greater interaction with course content; the video quiz also adds a formative assessment component so that students can self-check their learning.

TEDEd Video With Questions

TEDEd Video With Questions
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Shirisha Shankar from Fresno State, uses a video from the TEDEd library to create a lesson with embedded questions. This activity allows students to interact with a video and actively learn instead of passively watching.

Active Learning with TEDEd

Active Learning with TEDEd
San Jose State University
Patricia Backer, an Instructor at San Jose State University, uses TEDEd to increase active learning and peer-to-peer engagement, students answer questions and participate in a discussion in a video lesson. The TEDEd lesson replaces what was previously a passive learning experience where students answered standard questions for a weekly written assignment without actively engaging with the content or with their peers.

Using VoiceThread for Peer to Peer Engagement

Using VoiceThread for Peer to Peer Engagement
California State University, San Bernardino
Miriam Fernandez from CSU San Bernardino, uses Voicethread to record lectures into several “slides.” Text, voice, as well as a YouTube video, were used to make connections to the information being presented. The screenshot shows students responded to each other as well as to the general information.

Active Learning with Videos

Active Learning with Videos
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Prakash Dheeriya, an Instructor from CSU Dominguez Hills, uses Camtasia to create a video with imbedded questions. Embedding questions within the video gives students an opportunity to check for understanding and transforms a traditional lecture into an active learning experience.

Using Live Demonstration to Teach Students Music

Using Live Demonstration to Teach Students Music
San Francisco State University
Instructor Allen Biggs from San Francisco State University, uses video editing software to put together an innovative and interactive percussion lecture. He uses a bucket to help demonstrate different pitches and tones and captures students performing. The short video captures a portion of the video lecture.

The Learning Glass with Matt Anderson

The Learning Glass with Matt Anderson
San Diego State University
San Diego State University Physics professor Matt Anderson, demonstrates his "Learning Glass" transparent whiteboard. Working with colleague Mark Hatay, he used LED side lighting on a Sapphire shower glass with neon dry-erase markers to create a see-through white board. A small mirror mounted in front of the camera flips the image right-side-out for viewers. This demonstration shows Matt Anderson's setup as he uses it for a sample lesson.