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Weekly homework Rubric in Math 104

Weekly homework Rubric in Math 104
California State University, Long Beach
Jen Mei Chang, an Instructor at CSU Long Beach, provides a detailed rubric for math homework assignments submitted online using three criteria for grading: (1) accuracy of a graded problem, (2) completeness of the whole assignment, and (3) whether the submitted work follows the directions of the assignment as well as the readability of the presentation.

Curated Annotated Bibliographic Collection

Curated Annotated Bibliographic Collection
California State University, Long Beach
Erin Holloway, an Instructor at CSU Long Beach, has students submit an assignment using Sway to develop a presentation for low literacy audiences based on a collection of valid and reliable sources. Students are asked to submit items, write a summary of their submissions and complete a research paper based on the curated collection. Each Sway will be presented in class for critique and evaluation.