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Microbiome and Antibiotics Discussion

Microbiome and Antibiotics Discussion
California State University, Fresno
Stephanie Coffman, an Instructor at Fresno State, utilizes the Discussion Board in Canvas to have students collaborate on study guide questions for the week. Each student is assigned a question and is asked to create a short presentation answering their question. Students then review their classmate's presentations and take notes on the study guide.

Course Home Page

Course Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Gil Kim, an Instructor at Fresno State, created a welcoming home page where students are greeted with a friendly message and an instructor introduction video. Buttons for each module were also added using Canvas for graphics that link to each area of the course.

Introduction Activity Using a Storyboard

Introduction Activity Using a Storyboard
California State University, San Marcos
Emily Merryweather, an Instructor from CSU San Marcos, has students introduce themselves using a free web-based platform, Storyboard to create a comic-book-style representation of themselves and their interests.

Textbook Access Information using EdPuzzle

Textbook Access Information using EdPuzzle
California State University, Fresno
Haiying Zhang, an Instructor from Fresno State, takes what would otherwise be a static experience, reading the information on how to access the course text, and creates a video showing this process. EdPuzzle was used to add multiple-choice and open-ended questions. The added quiz questions provide students with instant feedback to some of the most frequently asked questions at the beginning of the semester regarding the textbook for this course.