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Excel in Agribusiness

Excel in Agribusiness
California State University, Fresno
Neil Tung, a Lecturer at Fresno State in Applied Microcomputing for Agribusiness Management, created a PowerPoint presentation introducing students to the basics of Excel. This includes why Excel is used in Agribusiness and the reasons the instructor has found it a valuable tool throughout his career. The use of spreadsheets, database management, applications to basic farm accounting and financial budgeting, farm production recordkeeping, and commodity price trend tracking using Excel functions and formulas are highlighted in this presentation.

Exploring Human Energy Systems and Human Activities

Exploring Human Energy Systems and Human Activities
California State University, Fresno
Michael Cole, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a Canvas discussion board activity that provides an opportunity for students to engage in an undergraduate Exercise Physiology class learning module that is focused on understanding and applying concepts and ideas related to human energy systems. In this activity, students access highlights of events from the most recent Olympic games and discuss the use of the human energy systems in the context of the characteristics of these events (duration, intensity, etc.).

Exploring Inclusivity in the Apparel Industry & Digital Badging Assignment

Exploring Inclusivity in the Apparel Industry & Digital Badging Assignment
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Helen Trejo, an Assistant Professor from Cal Poly Pomona, designed an assignment that includes 3 choices of apparel industry documentaries available through a library resource to help students build competency in Inclusivity with a Digital Badge. After viewing a documentary focused on the significant role of minoritized populations in the apparel industry, students are asked to apply Inclusivity key learnings to a group project and reflect. This aims to increase student awareness of struggles and community-based solutions that can increase their cultural responsiveness. The general structure and discussion questions can be modified to fit many classes, as along as appropriate multimedia is identified.

Facilitating Asynchronous Debates

Facilitating Asynchronous Debates
California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt
Jill Anderson, an Instructor at Cal Poly Humboldt, developed a debate activity for an asynchronous online class that facilitates peer-to-peer interactions and critical thinking. This debate utilizes the online platform Kialo to host and organize the debate. This tool assists with the organization of information is an accessible tool that integrates with Canvas.

Fashion Analysis

Fashion Analysis
California State University, Fresno
Lizhu Davis, an Instructor at Fresno State, created an assignment which includes; 1) the purpose and learning objectives of the assignment, 2) streamlined the guideline to give students a clearer instruction, and 3) a well developed grading rubric. Students are also given choice around how they want to approach the assignment.