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Liquid Syllabus

Liquid Syllabus
Sacramento State University
Michelle Dang, Instructor from Sacramento State University, created this liquid syllabus to welcome students before the semester began. The liquid syllabus contains key information to help students get started and helps create a sense of engagement and community with the course. The students are practicing school nurses; hence, Michelle used images of school children to enhance engagement and connectedness.

Math Learning Profile Survey

Math Learning Profile Survey
California State University, Fullerton
Bridget Druken, an Instructor from CSU Fullerton, shares a learning profile survey which includes open ended question prompts for students to share information.

Matrix of Alignment of Module Objectives & Assignments

Matrix of Alignment of Module Objectives & Assignments
California State University, San Marcos
Sarah Jayyousi, an Instructor at CSU San Marcos, shares a matrix of student learning outcomes and assignments that are within the syllabus.

Meet Your Peers: A Shared PowerPoint Activity

Meet Your Peers: A Shared PowerPoint Activity
California State University, Long Beach
Barton Saunders, an Instructor from CSU Long Beach, designed an activity using PowerPoint to provide students the opportunity to self-introduce themselves and begin developing a sense of community while also engaging them with course content.

Microbiome and Antibiotics Discussion

Microbiome and Antibiotics Discussion
California State University, Fresno
Stephanie Coffman, an Instructor at Fresno State, utilizes the Discussion Board in Canvas to have students collaborate on study guide questions for the week. Each student is assigned a question and is asked to create a short presentation answering their question. Students then review their classmate's presentations and take notes on the study guide.