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Pinterest Encyclopedia Activity
Pinterest Encyclopedia Activity
California State University, Stanislaus
Monica Flores, an Instructor from CSU Stanislaus, describes an activity using a social media tool, Pinterest. Students are prompted to create a Pinterest account and than choose 2 "terms" from a list about Latinx Lit and Cultural Studies. Students are creating two encyclopedia (Pinterest) entries and than commenting on at least 3 of their classmates Pinterest pins.
PlayPosit Assignment with Youtube
PlayPosit Assignment with Youtube
California State University, Channel Islands
Argero Zerr, an instructor from CSU Channel Islands, created a PlayPosit assignment. This PlayPosit assignment corresponds to a Youtube video for a TEDx talk titled “Why does it take so long to grow up today?” by Dr. Jeffrey Arnett. The assignment includes a series of multiple choice questions which test comprehension of the material throughout the video. The assignment also includes poll questions and discussion questions which encourage students to reflect on their own opinions and experiences with emerging adulthood.
Playposit for Chem 251 Spectroscopy Unit
Playposit for Chem 251 Spectroscopy Unit
California State University, Channel Islands
Michelle Kobrin, Instructor from Channel Islands, created Playposit bulbs for Chem 251Quantitative Analysis spectroscopy unit. The unit included a playlist of 10 Playposit bulbs compiled into a single playlist, which was assigned in Canvas for students to interact with during Week 14 lectures. Chem 251 is a flipped class, so this Playposit set served as their lectures for the week. Post week 14, Chem 251 students were interviewed to evaluate the advantages of Playposit technology compared to the previous approach, where watching the lectures was optional. Based on the feedback, this Playposit playlist will continue to be incorporated into the Chem 251 course going forward.
PLSI 2: American Government and Institutions - Rubric for Writing Assignment
PLSI 2: American Government and Institutions - Rubric for Writing Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Everett Vieira, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a six-part rubric for scoring the writing assignment for the PLSI 2: American Government and Institutions introductory GE course. The rubric was created to improve on providing feedback in a timely fashion so that students will have a better idea of exactly how their written assignment will be scored before submitting their essay.
Portfolio Rubric for First Year Writing - CSU Fresno
Portfolio Rubric for First Year Writing - CSU Fresno
California State University, Fresno
Carol Firstman, an Instructor at Fresno State, is using the rubric developed by the First Year Writing program at Fresno State in Canvas. The grading criteria and rating categories are taken directly from the FYW template materials. The 30 point rubric includes the criteria of reading and writing strategies, reflection, summary and conversation, rhetoric, language coherence, and self-and peer evaluation. The ratings are exceeds, complete, and not passing.
Prompt and Rubric Reflective Writing Assignment
Prompt and Rubric Reflective Writing Assignment
California State University, Fullerton
Krista Henderson, an Instructor from CSU Fullerton, shares a detailed writing assignment where students describe the scope of their previous sexual education and describe what the "ideal" sex ed program is. The instructor provides 6 question prompts and a detailed rubric which provides 5 criteria for evaluating the essay.
Resume and Cover Letter Rubric
Resume and Cover Letter Rubric
San Francisco State University
Alexandria Leyton, an Instructor from San Francisco State University, provides a detailed rubric on the elements of the resume and cover letter.
Rubric developed for a Final Oral Presentation
Rubric developed for a Final Oral Presentation
California State University, Fresno
Xie Yuanyuan, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a detailed rubric for an oral presentation assignment. This rubric clearly defines the expectations for this assignment including the content, presentation, and delivery.
Rubric for a Calculus Assignment
Rubric for a Calculus Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Antonina Tofan, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a rubric in Canvas for an assignment in a Calculus class. Students are asked to find derivative of a function by solving a problem and then posting their work to a Discussion Board. for peer feedback.
Rubric for Analysis/Critique Assignment
Rubric for Analysis/Critique Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Andrea Roach, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a rubric in Canvas for an assignment where students are analyzing and critiquing a popular press (e.g., magazine) article. The rubric includes the criteria of Summary, Analysis/Critique/, Reflection and Writing Quality, against the ratings include Exceeds, Meets, Approaches, Does Not Meet, and Did not Complete.
Rubric for APA-formatted Report
Rubric for APA-formatted Report
California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Kelly Bennion, an Instructor at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, developed a rubric that contains 5 categories and descriptions for each of the 5 criteria, along with the weighting, for an APA formatted paper. The exemplar will serve as a helpful example for others creating rubrics for papers that have a scientific, reflective, and APA-formatting component.
Rubric for Evaluating Student Participation in Peer Reviews
Rubric for Evaluating Student Participation in Peer Reviews
California State University, Fresno
Ulrike Muller, an Instructor at Fresno State, provides a detailed rubric used to assess the quality of students' participation in peer reviews. Students are required to provide constructive comments to several students.
Rubric for Grading Short Essay Comparing Three Readings (Anthropology)
Rubric for Grading Short Essay Comparing Three Readings (Anthropology)
California State University, San Bernardino
Arianna Huhn, an Instructor from CSU San Bernardino, developed a rubric for an assignment in an Anthropology course where students are asked to summarize three topical readings within modules of an online class. The tool makes it clear to students the expectations for high marks and leaves room for instructor comments to guide improvement for future work.
Rubric for Grading Student Poster
Rubric for Grading Student Poster
California State University, Fresno
Brian Tsukimura, an Instructor at Fresno State, modified an existing rubric for grading student posters. The rubric reflects the order in which the posters are constructed including background, gonts, graphic use, grammar, sequencing of information, content accuracy, effectiveness in describing the science, and originality in presentation.
Rubric for IST 2410 Final project
Rubric for IST 2410 Final project
California State University, San Bernardino
Benjamin Becerra, an Instructor at CSU San Bernardino, developed a rubric to assess the final summative project that students take in a database management course. The elements included in the rubric cover all areas of the course, including the application of specific software. and provide an explanation of what each category means.