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Weekly homework Rubric in Math 104

Weekly homework Rubric in Math 104
California State University, Long Beach
Jen Mei Chang, an Instructor at CSU Long Beach, provides a detailed rubric for math homework assignments submitted online using three criteria for grading: (1) accuracy of a graded problem, (2) completeness of the whole assignment, and (3) whether the submitted work follows the directions of the assignment as well as the readability of the presentation.

Discussion Grading Rubric

Discussion Grading Rubric
San Jose State University
Jennifer Morrison, an Instructor at San Jose State, created a detailed rubric to accompany the discussion posts in Canvas. This rubric contains criteria for answering the discussion prompts as well as each required response.

Rubric for Analysis/Critique Assignment

Rubric for Analysis/Critique Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Andrea Roach, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a rubric in Canvas for an assignment where students are analyzing and critiquing a popular press (e.g., magazine) article. The rubric includes the criteria of Summary, Analysis/Critique/, Reflection and Writing Quality, against the ratings include Exceeds, Meets, Approaches, Does Not Meet, and Did not Complete.

Final Project Rubric

Final Project Rubric
California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt
Elias Pence, an Instructor at Cal Poly Humboldt, built a rubric to measure understanding of the assignment topic, in-class engagement, and care and effort in completing the assignment. Using the Canvas rubric tool was helpful in measuring the criteria of Demonstration of Understanding, Care and Effort, and In Class Engagement against the ratings of Excellent, Proficient, Needs Development, and Incomplete.

Writing Project Rubric

Writing Project Rubric
California State University, Fresno
Gabriel Ibarra, Instructor from Fresno State shares a writing rubric that is detailed along 5 criteria.

Portfolio Rubric for First Year Writing - CSU Fresno

Portfolio Rubric for First Year Writing - CSU Fresno
California State University, Fresno
Carol Firstman, an Instructor at Fresno State, is using the rubric developed by the First Year Writing program at Fresno State in Canvas. The grading criteria and rating categories are taken directly from the FYW template materials. The 30 point rubric includes the criteria of reading and writing strategies, reflection, summary and conversation, rhetoric, language coherence, and self-and peer evaluation. The ratings are exceeds, complete, and not passing.

Using Mentimeter to Increase Engagement

Using Mentimeter to Increase Engagement
Sacramento State University
Kirsten Munk, an Instructor at CSU Stanislaus, incorporates survey and knowledge questions into synchronous Zoom lectures, using Mentimeter (https://www.mentimeter.com/) to increase student engagement and facilitate discussion. Students are provided with the URL for the Mentimeter survey along with the access code (in the Zoom chat), which will take them to the surveys and questions (pictured here) included in the lecture. Students are able to participate and answer in real-time.

Scientific Publication Mock Process for Introductory Chemistry Lab Course

Scientific Publication Mock Process for Introductory Chemistry Lab Course
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Melissa Garrett from Fresno State, teaches students how scientific information is disseminated by mimicking the process. In this assignment, the students are asked to write a manuscript on a designated lab experiment and submit their papers for "publication" to the instructor who takes on the role of the journal editor before sending the paper for anonymous peer reviews.

Course Home Page

Course Home Page
Sacramento State University
Greg Kim-Ju, an Instructor at Sacramento State University, created an inviting and easy to navigate home page making it easy for students to access areas of the course. Included are icons and links to Start Here, Syllabus, Modules, and the Question Café. In addition, students are greeted with an inclusive course banner and a welcome video from the instructor.

Inclusion and Diversity Statement

Inclusion and Diversity Statement
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Olga Griswold, an Instructor at Cal Poly Pomona, includes a statement in the syllabus that reflects their ideology regarding inclusivity and diversity. The statement communicates that all students are to subscribe to the notion that respect for others and their points of view in a civil discussion - even when they may disagree or disapprove - is paramount to productive learning and work environments. The statement also lets students know that whatever their lived experiences are, they have something important to contribute to the knowledge construction in the classroom.

Rubric for Grading Student Poster

Rubric for Grading Student Poster
California State University, Fresno
Brian Tsukimura, an Instructor at Fresno State, modified an existing rubric for grading student posters. The rubric reflects the order in which the posters are constructed including background, gonts, graphic use, grammar, sequencing of information, content accuracy, effectiveness in describing the science, and originality in presentation.

Student Profile Survey

Student Profile Survey
California State University, Fresno
Carlos Martinez, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed an optional survey in Canvas that is given to students during the first week of class. The questions are designed for the instructor to get to know the students and if there are any barriers to their learning.

Rubric developed for a Final Oral Presentation

Rubric developed for a Final Oral Presentation
California State University, Fresno
Xie Yuanyuan, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a detailed rubric for an oral presentation assignment. This rubric clearly defines the expectations for this assignment including the content, presentation, and delivery.

Synthesis Assignment: Charting Where the Authors Intersect

Synthesis Assignment: Charting Where the Authors Intersect
California State University, San Bernardino
Kathryn Hansler, an Instructor at CSU San Bernardino, developed an assignment for a First Year Composition course that takes place after several lessons on synthesis and close readings of 2 texts. This assignment is used to help prepare students for an essay where they develop their own theory on the issue of news media objectivity.

Textbook Access Information using EdPuzzle

Textbook Access Information using EdPuzzle
California State University, Fresno
Haiying Zhang, an Instructor from Fresno State, takes what would otherwise be a static experience, reading the information on how to access the course text, and creates a video showing this process. EdPuzzle was used to add multiple-choice and open-ended questions. The added quiz questions provide students with instant feedback to some of the most frequently asked questions at the beginning of the semester regarding the textbook for this course.