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Clear Organized HomePage

Clear Organized HomePage
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Iman Hemmatian, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, shares a homepage that is organized clearly with a college banner, instructor welcome video & transcript, instructions to begin the course including the syllabus, start here, and buttons to access all modules from the course home page.

Resume and Cover Letter Rubric

Resume and Cover Letter Rubric
San Francisco State University
Alexandria Leyton, an Instructor from San Francisco State University, provides a detailed rubric on the elements of the resume and cover letter.

Group Annotation Discussion Using Perusall

Group Annotation Discussion Using Perusall
California State University, Bakersfield
Natalie Thompson, an Instructor from CSU Bakersfield, shares a peer to peer annotation activity using the tool Perusall where students read and annotate a scholarly article. Detailed instructions are provided for the students about the discussion requirements.

Getting Started Module

Getting Started Module
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Navid Nakhjiri, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, provides a visual sample of the Getting Started Module in Canvas. The elements of the module include a welcome from the instructor, course schedule, Syllabus quiz, student profile survey, Q&A, and Campus Resources including technology support.

Engagement in Synchronous Lectures Using Jamboard & Zoom Break-Out Rooms

Engagement in Synchronous Lectures Using Jamboard & Zoom Break-Out Rooms
California State University, Fresno
Stephanie Ryan, an Instructor from Fresno State, shares an engaging activity where she uses Zoom to provide a synchronous lecture called "The Anterior Surface Landmarks of the Figure." Using breakout rooms in Zoom and a Jamboard students identify surface landmarks of a figure in a peer-to-peer activity.