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Historic Periods of Globalization Activity
Historic Periods of Globalization Activity
California State University, Stanislaus
Heather Jarrell, an Instructor at CSU Stanislaus, designed a peer-to-peer engagement and active learning activity for use during a synchronous session. Working in groups, students identify distinguishing characteristics of periods of globalization throughout history. Students are placed in Breakout Rooms in Zoom, with each group completing one of five Jamboard pages containing sticky notes labeled “Fact” that they fill in with pertinent features of their globalization period, after which the entire class is quizzed on each globalization period using Zoom Polls based on the facts submitted by each group.
Front Page Design Example
Front Page Design Example
California State University, Stanislaus
Wura Jacobs, an Instructor from CSU Stanislaus, provides a visually interesting front page design that uses five header icons for easy access to course pages/content.
Communication Styles Nearpod Activity
Communication Styles Nearpod Activity
California State University, Stanislaus
Stacey Aprile, an Instructor at CSU Stanislaus, developed an activity where students read about learning styles, take a self-assessment, and apply their learning to their future classroom. This activity provides students with the opportunity to connect with like-communication style peers for possible extension activities in the course.
Rubric Sample for a Project
Rubric Sample for a Project
California State University, Stanislaus
Betsy Eudey, an Instructor at CSU Stanislaus, developed a rubric for a project which includes a reflection and students have options for producing their assignment (written document, video presentation, creative work).
Student Online Course Readiness Survey
Student Online Course Readiness Survey
California State University, Stanislaus
Glen Pillsbury, an Instructional Designer from CSU Stanislaus, developed an Online Readiness Self-Assessment. The assessment is a popular tool for giving students insight into what skills, technology, and mindset an online student must have to be successful.