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Rubric for IST 2410 Final project
Rubric for IST 2410 Final project
California State University, San Bernardino
Benjamin Becerra, an Instructor at CSU San Bernardino, developed a rubric to assess the final summative project that students take in a database management course. The elements included in the rubric cover all areas of the course, including the application of specific software. and provide an explanation of what each category means.
Adding Quiz Questions to Panopto
Adding Quiz Questions to Panopto
California State University, Northridge
Joyce Marie Brusasco, an Instructor at CSU Northridge, uses Panopto to easily create an active learning experience for a recorded lecture video. Embedded are quiz questions that can be used for self-assessments, knowledge checks, or as graded quizzes. These types of video lessons help turn your passive learners into active participants.
Learner Profile Survey - JOUR 218 Media, Self & Society
Learner Profile Survey - JOUR 218 Media, Self & Society
California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Patti Piburn, an Instructor from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, shares a 8-item Learner Profile Survey deployed in JOUR 218 Media, Self & Society. It asks students to identify their goals, personal pronouns, workplace environment, and their feelings about taking an online class.
Possible Lives Mapping Activity with Accompanying Jamboard
Possible Lives Mapping Activity with Accompanying Jamboard
California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt
Loren Collins, a Faculty Development Coordinator from Cal Poly Humboldt developed an activity for faculty that could be used in their courses. The activity leads students through imagining a range of lives in different careers and mapping out how to prepare for them. Students post their "Possible Lives Maps" onto a collection of Jamboards and interact with each other by posting post-its and commenting.
Using VoiceThread for Peer to Peer Engagement
Using VoiceThread for Peer to Peer Engagement
California State University, San Bernardino
Miriam Fernandez from CSU San Bernardino, uses Voicethread to record lectures into several “slides.” Text, voice, as well as a YouTube video, were used to make connections to the information being presented. The screenshot shows students responded to each other as well as to the general information.