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Quality Learning & Teaching – QLT (82
- QLT Section1 (27)
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- Assessment of Student Learning
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- QLT Section4 (23)
- Student Interaction and Community
- QLT Section5 (13)
- Facilitation and Instruction
- QLT Section6 (22)
- Technology for Teaching and Learning
- QLT Section8 (9)
- Accessibility and Universal Design
- QLT Section9 (3)
- Course Summary and Wrap–Up
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Module Overview Page
Module Overview Page
California State University, Fresno
Professor Christine Edmondson from Fresno State, created Module Overview pages for her Movies and Mental Illness class. Each page contains a To-Do list, Module Directory, Module Orientation Video as well as a Video Guide.
"It's Just a Movie" Jamboard
"It's Just a Movie" Jamboard
California State University, Fresno
Aaron Schuelke, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a discussion activity where students read the article "It's Just a Movie" by Greg M. Smith. They then create slides on a Google Jamboard analyzing two films of their choosing, using very brief reflections (post-its) and images from the film. They then respond to at least two classmates' work in a small group discussion on Canvas.
Accessibility VPAT
Accessibility VPAT
California State University, Fresno
Mary Bennett, an Instructional Developer from Fresno State & also CSU QLT Program Manager provides a list of the external Tools used in the QLT Training courses and include links to the Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs) for each tool.
Accessible Homepage with Engaging Images
Accessible Homepage with Engaging Images
California State University, Fresno
Jenna Kieckhaefer, an Instructor from Fresno State, shares her Canvas Homepage which clearly shows that images are all accessible with the green Ally indicators. Images are engaging for students with clear labels for the user to navigate the course.
Active Learning Using PlayPosit
Active Learning Using PlayPosit
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Negin Tahvildary from Fresno State, uses PlayPosit to turn a class lecture into active learning with embedded question prompts. In the clip, student find their default communication style and compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of each style.
Active Learning Video using TEDed & Playposit
Active Learning Video using TEDed & Playposit
California State University, Fresno
Joel Slade, Instructor from California State University, Fresno, created active learning questions in an edited TEDed video on the misconceptions of evolution in Playposit to be used in his evolution course. Students in this online course will be prompted with several questions in their asynchronous lecture videos. People can use Playposit to integrate questions as students watch pre-recorded lecture videos.
Assignment using a Podcast followed by an Interactive Activity using Jamboard & Discussion
Assignment using a Podcast followed by an Interactive Activity using Jamboard & Discussion
California State University, Fresno
Aric Mine, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses an episode from Radiolab as a foundation for discussion in an introductory assignment in a climate change and environmental science class. It was formerly just a short answer response submission by individual students (file uploaded; screenshot of discussion prompt) which has now been expanded to include a discussion on Canvas that helps segway to the following week where water usage is introduced with a Jamboard (linked).
This exercise engages students via three different means of communication and interaction. They listen to a podcast, reflect on their understanding and communicate that understanding in written form to the instructor and to their peers in an active discussion. They're also then subsequently engaged with a Jamboard that builds off this introductory activity, expanding the engagement tools used in this course.
Assignment using Perusall
Assignment using Perusall
California State University, Fresno
Donald Henriques, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses the social annotation tool Perusall to encourage interactive reading.
Canvas Home Page
Canvas Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Faith Sidlow from Fresno State, created a redesigned homepage in Canvas that includes 15 buttons along the bottom of the homepage for each week. A clear link to takes the user to the syllabus and also to the start here module. There is also a warm instructor welcome message in the middle of the page along with a graphic and course title.
Collaborative Note-Taking Space Using Google Slides
Collaborative Note-Taking Space Using Google Slides
California State University, Fresno
Katy Tarrant, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a collaborative note taking space in Google Slides. The collaborative space will promote student agency in note taking work as others will see the work. Additionally, this resource will allow students to have access to different perspectives and interpretations of the lecture material
Course Communication and Netiquette Statement
Course Communication and Netiquette Statement
California State University, Fresno
Mary Bennett, Instructional Designer at Fresno State and CSU QLT Manager, provides a sample of the QLT Course Communication and Netiquette Statement that is in the syllabus. The statement provides nine statements that can be used or modified for any course.
Course Home Page
Course Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Dr. Rana Shailesh, an Instructor at Fresno State, created a home page in their course using accessible images and graphics. The home page includes a banner and a welcome message as well as buttons to the Start Here area, the syllabus, a welcome video and the modules in the course.
Course Home Page
Course Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Melanie Wenrick, an Instructor from Fresno State, provides a clean easy to follow home page that provides for accessible image buttons used for the syllabus, weekly, and discussion board. Graphic buttons were created in PowerPoint and imported as images. A welcoming introduction about the purpose of the course and distance learning model used.
Course Home Page
Course Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Gil Kim, an Instructor at Fresno State, created a welcoming home page where students are greeted with a friendly message and an instructor introduction video. Buttons for each module were also added using Canvas for graphics that link to each area of the course.
Course Home Page
Course Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Jesse Bower, an Instructor from Fresno State, shares a redesigned homepage with a clear brief welcome statement, image of the instructor, contact information and office hours and quick links to the main course components.