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Partner Discussions on VoiceThread

Partner Discussions on VoiceThread
California State University, Fullerton
Raelynne Hale, an Instructor at CSU Fullerton, uses VoiceThread to allow students to engage in audio/video discussions with partners in an asynchronous environment without having to create separate discussion boards or threads for each pair. The example includes instructions, prompts, and how to set up the discussion in VoiceThread. This activity can be easily adapted and used for any course that has students partner and discuss a theme, topic, article, or other course material.

Peer Engagement using Google Jamboard

Peer Engagement using Google Jamboard
California State University, San Bernardino
Alycia Granado, Instructor from CSU San Barnardino, created a Jamboard assignment for online child development courses. This Jamboard activity encourages both active learning and peer engagement. Students will share their knowledge of attachment styles, behaviors, and mediators.

Peer-to-Peer Engagement using Twitter

Peer-to-Peer Engagement using Twitter
California State University, San Bernardino
Elisabeth Anderson, an Instructor from CSU San Bernardino, created an activity designed to promote active learning and peer-to-peer engagement. Students are asked to read up on genetic testing from a website provided to them. Then they engage in a Twitter discussion about the pros and cons of the technology.

Perusall Activity

Perusall Activity
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Terri Fleming-Dright, an Instructor from CSU Dominguez Hills, used the software Perusall to discuss a class reading. The opportunity to create starter posts and ask students questions that they can then respond to and each other is an excellent way of fostering active learning.

Pinterest Encyclopedia Activity

Pinterest Encyclopedia Activity
California State University, Stanislaus
Monica Flores, an Instructor from CSU Stanislaus, describes an activity using a social media tool, Pinterest. Students are prompted to create a Pinterest account and than choose 2 "terms" from a list about Latinx Lit and Cultural Studies. Students are creating two encyclopedia (Pinterest) entries and than commenting on at least 3 of their classmates Pinterest pins.