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Rubric for Analysis/Critique Assignment

Rubric for Analysis/Critique Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Andrea Roach, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a rubric in Canvas for an assignment where students are analyzing and critiquing a popular press (e.g., magazine) article. The rubric includes the criteria of Summary, Analysis/Critique/, Reflection and Writing Quality, against the ratings include Exceeds, Meets, Approaches, Does Not Meet, and Did not Complete.

Rubric for Evaluating Student Participation in Peer Reviews

Rubric for Evaluating Student Participation in Peer Reviews
California State University, Fresno
Ulrike Muller, an Instructor at Fresno State, provides a detailed rubric used to assess the quality of students' participation in peer reviews. Students are required to provide constructive comments to several students.

Rubric for Grading Student Poster

Rubric for Grading Student Poster
California State University, Fresno
Brian Tsukimura, an Instructor at Fresno State, modified an existing rubric for grading student posters. The rubric reflects the order in which the posters are constructed including background, gonts, graphic use, grammar, sequencing of information, content accuracy, effectiveness in describing the science, and originality in presentation.

Student Generated Discussion Topic as a Formative Assessment

Student Generated Discussion Topic as a Formative Assessment
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Archana Mohan from Fresno State, uses a discussion assignment where students are asked to generate two questions based on their knowledge of the functions and parts of a microscope. This assignment facilitates peer-to-peer interaction and prompt feedback

Student reading presentation rubric

Student reading presentation rubric
California State University, Fresno
Jidong Chen, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed this detailed Reading Presentation rubric for use with the rubric tool in Canvas. The rubric describes in detail how students' presentations on the assigned research articles are graded in terms of their 'content', 'organization', 'mechanics', and 'elocution and eye contact'.