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Quality Learning & Teaching – QLT (37
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- California Maritime Academy (6)
- California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt (4)
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Diversity Statement
Diversity Statement
California State University, Bakersfield
Gladys Gillam, an Instructor at CSU Bakersfield, includes a Diversity Statement in the syllabus that communicates respect for the diversity of students, countries, and cultures.
Diversity Statement & Learner Support Resources
Diversity Statement & Learner Support Resources
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Juanita Jellyman, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, provides a syllabus that includes technical support, a diversity statement and resources available to support students.
Feedback Timeline Statement
Feedback Timeline Statement
California State University, Northridge
In this example Virginia Huynh, Instructor from CSU Northridge, includes a feedback timeline statement in her syllabus.
HSU Template - Online Technical Skills & Requirements
HSU Template - Online Technical Skills & Requirements
California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt
Kim Vincent-Layton, an Instructional Designer at Cal Poly Humboldt, created a basic template for all online courses. The template provides 6 tips for success as an online learner, attitude and technical skills required, and minimum hardware and software requirements. This can be modified to fit any class.
Inclusion and Diversity Statement
Inclusion and Diversity Statement
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Olga Griswold, an Instructor at Cal Poly Pomona, includes a statement in the syllabus that reflects their ideology regarding inclusivity and diversity. The statement communicates that all students are to subscribe to the notion that respect for others and their points of view in a civil discussion - even when they may disagree or disapprove - is paramount to productive learning and work environments. The statement also lets students know that whatever their lived experiences are, they have something important to contribute to the knowledge construction in the classroom.