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Lab Assignment Connecting Students to Their Community

Lab Assignment Connecting Students to Their Community
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Weimin Li, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, developed a module lab assignment. This lab assignment includes includes an activity with students exploring the hardware and software that they will use in a GIS lab. The activity has students using a database from LA county to apply mapping skills.

Optional Assignment - Choice

Optional Assignment - Choice
California State University, Northridge
Ning Fu, an Instructor from CSU Northridge, provides an optional assignment where students can complete and attain a "Google Analytics Certificate" that they can include in their resume. This certification will be relevant for students upon graduation.

Peer Engagement using Google Jamboard

Peer Engagement using Google Jamboard
California State University, San Bernardino
Alycia Granado, Instructor from CSU San Barnardino, created a Jamboard assignment for online child development courses. This Jamboard activity encourages both active learning and peer engagement. Students will share their knowledge of attachment styles, behaviors, and mediators.

Prompt and Rubric Reflective Writing Assignment

Prompt and Rubric Reflective Writing Assignment
California State University, Fullerton
Krista Henderson, an Instructor from CSU Fullerton, shares a detailed writing assignment where students describe the scope of their previous sexual education and describe what the "ideal" sex ed program is. The instructor provides 6 question prompts and a detailed rubric which provides 5 criteria for evaluating the essay.

Scientific Publication Mock Process for Introductory Chemistry Lab Course

Scientific Publication Mock Process for Introductory Chemistry Lab Course
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Melissa Garrett from Fresno State, teaches students how scientific information is disseminated by mimicking the process. In this assignment, the students are asked to write a manuscript on a designated lab experiment and submit their papers for "publication" to the instructor who takes on the role of the journal editor before sending the paper for anonymous peer reviews.