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Course HomePage and Module Organization

Course HomePage and Module Organization
San Jose State University
Michelle Hampton, an Instructor from San Jose State University, shares a welcoming homepage with the instructor welcoming students and course description. She also provides a clear organization structure for the module with consistent headings. Tabbed lessons were utilized to reduce the number of pages through which students would need to scroll. Text headers in the modules were used to divide content logically and visually guide the user.

Course Homepage with Buttons to Access Modules

Course Homepage with Buttons to Access Modules
California State University, Fresno
Katherine Fobear, an Instructor from Fresno State, shares the design of a Canvas homepage that includes a course description, with links to the syllabus and individual modules that are clearly labeled. All buttons include alt tags as evident by the Ally accessibility indicators.

Curated Annotated Bibliographic Collection

Curated Annotated Bibliographic Collection
California State University, Long Beach
Erin Holloway, an Instructor at CSU Long Beach, has students submit an assignment using Sway to develop a presentation for low literacy audiences based on a collection of valid and reliable sources. Students are asked to submit items, write a summary of their submissions and complete a research paper based on the curated collection. Each Sway will be presented in class for critique and evaluation.

Digital Storyboard Assignment with Peer-to-Peer Interaction

Digital Storyboard Assignment with Peer-to-Peer Interaction
California State University, Fresno
Dr. Gina Sandi-Diaz, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses a shared Google Drive where students upload their Digital Storyboard assignment created in Google Slides using the Pecha Kucha 20x20 format. Students are required to visit each other's storyboards and provide feedback to peers. Finally, students use a Google Jamboard to document what they learned from visiting their peer's assignments.

Discussion Post Assignment for Outside Engagement

Discussion Post Assignment for Outside Engagement
California State University, Fresno
Tanisha Garcia, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses the discussion board to provide students with the opportunity to earn extra credit. The weekly online discussion posting on Canvas is based on the face to face lecture for that week. At times, this is also used this to engage students during class time and have them bring out their electronic device and answer the discussion posting for attendance purposes and extra credit for that day.