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Video Self-Check Quizzes for Asynchronous Learners

Video Self-Check Quizzes for Asynchronous Learners
California State University, Fresno
Joseph Ross, an Instructor at Fresno State, provides his students with brief lecture videos that they watch before coming to class which allows students to self-check their learning. Each video is followed by one short self-check multiple-choice quiz item (ungraded), including a description of the correct answer. The link to the quiz immediately follows the link to the video on each Canvas page. This approach provides on-demand feedback for asynchronous video use.

Video Walkthrough of a Course Activity

Video Walkthrough of a Course Activity
California State University, Northridge
Nanci Carr, an Instructor at CSU Northridge, used Camtasia to create a video showing students the steps to view a video of an article posted on Canvas. The video shows students how to download content in different formats so that it is more accessible and provides options for accessing lesson content.

Weekly homework Rubric in Math 104

Weekly homework Rubric in Math 104
California State University, Long Beach
Jen Mei Chang, an Instructor at CSU Long Beach, provides a detailed rubric for math homework assignments submitted online using three criteria for grading: (1) accuracy of a graded problem, (2) completeness of the whole assignment, and (3) whether the submitted work follows the directions of the assignment as well as the readability of the presentation.

Weekly Module Canvas Page Includes Variety of Materials

Weekly Module Canvas Page Includes Variety of Materials
San Jose State University
Glen Gendzel, an Instructor from San Jose State University, provides a detailed Canvas Page that lists all of the linked module materials. This weekly module includes the Module Objectives, a To-Do List, and focus questions for all assigned readings, lectures, and videos.

Welcome Introduction Assignment Using Padlet

Welcome Introduction Assignment Using Padlet
California State University, Northridge
Amber Norwood, an Instructor from CSU Northridge, uses uses Padlet as a way for students to get to know each other the first week of the course. In this activity students create a post, with an optional picture, and share a little about themselves. This includes their pronouns, what they like to be called, as well as future goals.