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Partner Discussions on VoiceThread
Partner Discussions on VoiceThread
California State University, Fullerton
Raelynne Hale, an Instructor at CSU Fullerton, uses VoiceThread to allow students to engage in audio/video discussions with partners in an asynchronous environment without having to create separate discussion boards or threads for each pair. The example includes instructions, prompts, and how to set up the discussion in VoiceThread. This activity can be easily adapted and used for any course that has students partner and discuss a theme, topic, article, or other course material.
Rubric for Grading Short Essay Comparing Three Readings (Anthropology)
Rubric for Grading Short Essay Comparing Three Readings (Anthropology)
California State University, San Bernardino
Arianna Huhn, an Instructor from CSU San Bernardino, developed a rubric for an assignment in an Anthropology course where students are asked to summarize three topical readings within modules of an online class. The tool makes it clear to students the expectations for high marks and leaves room for instructor comments to guide improvement for future work.
Weekly Module Canvas Page Includes Variety of Materials
Weekly Module Canvas Page Includes Variety of Materials
San Jose State University
Glen Gendzel, an Instructor from San Jose State University, provides a detailed Canvas Page that lists all of the linked module materials. This weekly module includes the Module Objectives, a To-Do List, and focus questions for all assigned readings, lectures, and videos.
Welcome Page - Instructor Information
Welcome Page - Instructor Information
California State University, Fresno
Alicia Iriberri, an Instructor at Fresno State, created a highly engaging and interactive Welcome Page that includes a variety of ways that students can contact the instructor. The information also included in the syllabus, facilitates a quick way for students to find the information they are looking for.
General Assignment Rubric
General Assignment Rubric
California State University, Chico
Kristin Minetti, an Instructor from CSU Chico, developed a rubric which contains 3 criteria (Class concepts, questions answered, grammar/formatting) and 4 levels of achievement.
Learner Profile Survey for a Hybrid Course
Learner Profile Survey for a Hybrid Course
San Jose State University
Rachel Lazzeri-Aerts, an Instructor at San Jose State University, developed this learner survey designed for a hybrid course that includes distance learning and in-person field trips. Instructors can gain insight into their students that will be helpful in designing a course that enables all learners to be successful.
Learner Profile Survey for an Online Course
Learner Profile Survey for an Online Course
San Jose State University
Assistant Professor Indumathi Jeyachandran from San Jose State University, uses this survey to gauge students' experience in taking an online class, and their feeling about being in an online course. Further, questions on students’ experience in using the required software is included.
ATI-Compliant Syllabus with Student Support Resources
ATI-Compliant Syllabus with Student Support Resources
California Maritime Academy
Ariel Setniker, an Instructor from California Maritime Academy, uses a campus-provided ATI-compliant template with links to the campus accessible policy, campus SEAS academic resources, mental health statement, counseling services, and more.
Sample Course Home Page
Sample Course Home Page
San Jose State University
Debra Hunter, an Instructor at San Jose State University, designed this home page to provide clear and detailed instructions for students to access course content. The intuitive layout includes buttons and links to course modules, a short video introducing the instructor, and 'Quick Link' buttons to frequently accessed course components.
Student Support Resources
Student Support Resources
California State University, San Bernardino
J. Logan Clark, an Instructor from CSU San Bernardino, provides links for student support resources including the writing center, services for veterans, services for undocumented students, and counseling. The syllabus sample also includes the accessibility policy.
Adding Quiz Questions to Panopto
Adding Quiz Questions to Panopto
California State University, Northridge
Joyce Marie Brusasco, an Instructor at CSU Northridge, uses Panopto to easily create an active learning experience for a recorded lecture video. Embedded are quiz questions that can be used for self-assessments, knowledge checks, or as graded quizzes. These types of video lessons help turn your passive learners into active participants.
Rubric for APA-formatted Report
Rubric for APA-formatted Report
California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
Kelly Bennion, an Instructor at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, developed a rubric that contains 5 categories and descriptions for each of the 5 criteria, along with the weighting, for an APA formatted paper. The exemplar will serve as a helpful example for others creating rubrics for papers that have a scientific, reflective, and APA-formatting component.
Assessments and Grading Rubrics
Assessments and Grading Rubrics
California State University, San Bernardino
Arturo Fernandez-Gibert, a Professor from CSU San Bernardino, provides three types of assessment in the class: diagnostic, formative, and summative. A sample of each assessment is provided, including grading rubrics for one learning module and for a formative and summative assessments.
Collaborative Lab Experiment
Collaborative Lab Experiment
California Maritime Academy
Professor Cynthia Trevisan, from California Maritime Academy, designed this activity for online lab students to team up with two peers to collaborate in the performance of an experiment and a lab report write up. It requires the use of simple equipment from a student lab kit, a worksheet created by the instructor, and instructor-created templates in Google Docs, Jamboard and Google Sheets.
Rubric Sample for a Project
Rubric Sample for a Project
California State University, Stanislaus
Betsy Eudey, an Instructor at CSU Stanislaus, developed a rubric for a project which includes a reflection and students have options for producing their assignment (written document, video presentation, creative work).