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Student Online Course Readiness Survey

Student Online Course Readiness Survey
California State University, Stanislaus
Glen Pillsbury, an Instructional Designer from CSU Stanislaus, developed an Online Readiness Self-Assessment. The assessment is a popular tool for giving students insight into what skills, technology, and mindset an online student must have to be successful.

Textbook and Course Materials List

Textbook and Course Materials List
San Diego State University
Beth Pollard, an Instructor from San Diego State University, provides a clear list of required textbooks and course materials for students to easily access.

Discussion Post Assignment for Outside Engagement

Discussion Post Assignment for Outside Engagement
California State University, Fresno
Tanisha Garcia, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses the discussion board to provide students with the opportunity to earn extra credit. The weekly online discussion posting on Canvas is based on the face to face lecture for that week. At times, this is also used this to engage students during class time and have them bring out their electronic device and answer the discussion posting for attendance purposes and extra credit for that day.

Sample Grading Policy

Sample Grading Policy
San Francisco State University
Brian Beatty, a Professor at San Francisco State University, has created a sample grading policy for instructors to use in courses.

Infographic Sequence of Assignments

Infographic Sequence of Assignments
California State University, Fresno
Maria-Aparecida Lopes, an Instructor from Fresno State, created an Infographic that shows students how assignments are connected and build on each other.

Student Learning Objective Alignment Matrix

Student Learning Objective Alignment Matrix
California State University, Bakersfield
Allison Evans, an Instructor from CSU Bakersfield, provides a detailed alignment matrix that illustrates the alignment of course objectives, materials, activities with student learning objectives.

Online Netiquette Discussion Expectations

Online Netiquette Discussion Expectations
California State University, San Marcos
Marisol Clark-lbanez, an Instructor from CSU San Marcos, provides an example where an instructor went above and beyond the normal etiquette rules to include guidance for students on how to disagree, make arguments, and be kind to other students. She gives them instructions on how to argue an idea and not argue with a person directly.

Advance Notice of Required Textbooks

Advance Notice of Required Textbooks
California State University, Northridge
Instructor Nanci Carr at CSU Northridge, sends students an email 3 weeks in advance of the term, with textbook information, and encouragement to purchase them in advance of the start of class.

Student Feedback Form for Continuous Improvement

Student Feedback Form for Continuous Improvement
California State University, Bakersfield
Adriana Cervantes-Gonzalez, an Instructor from CSU Bakersfield, uses a Google Form to solicit feedback from students about their learning experiences. Items for feedback include course pacing and variability in online discussion forum delivery formats to determine student preferences (i.e. Voicethread, Discussion Board, etc.). The feedback is used to make course adjustments and shares the results with students. This gives students a sense of empowerment and validates their voice in their learning process.

Video Walkthrough of a Course Activity

Video Walkthrough of a Course Activity
California State University, Northridge
Nanci Carr, an Instructor at CSU Northridge, used Camtasia to create a video showing students the steps to view a video of an article posted on Canvas. The video shows students how to download content in different formats so that it is more accessible and provides options for accessing lesson content.

Building Community in a Fully Online Course

Building Community in a Fully Online Course
California State University, Bakersfield
Adriana Cervantes-Gonzalez, an Instructor from CSU Bakersfield, uses Google Slides to create community and interaction between instructor and students in this online graduate course. Community Building activities are assigned intermittently throughout the course to give students an opportunity to engage and interact in a non-high stakes forum while getting to know more about each other along the way.

Instructor Introduction Video

Instructor Introduction Video
California State University, Fresno
In this video, Nancy Akhavan an Instructor at Fresno State, introduces herself and also provides context for the course.

Using Live Demonstration to Teach Students Music

Using Live Demonstration to Teach Students Music
San Francisco State University
Instructor Allen Biggs from San Francisco State University, uses video editing software to put together an innovative and interactive percussion lecture. He uses a bucket to help demonstrate different pitches and tones and captures students performing. The short video captures a portion of the video lecture.

Academic Support Resources in Google Docs

Academic Support Resources in Google Docs
California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt
Kim Vincent-Layton, and Instructional Designer at Cal Poly Humboldt, provides faculty with a list of Academic Support Resources that provide a wide variety of student services. Faculty can simply copy these into any existing resource, including their syllabi.

The Learning Glass with Matt Anderson

The Learning Glass with Matt Anderson
San Diego State University
San Diego State University Physics professor Matt Anderson, demonstrates his "Learning Glass" transparent whiteboard. Working with colleague Mark Hatay, he used LED side lighting on a Sapphire shower glass with neon dry-erase markers to create a see-through white board. A small mirror mounted in front of the camera flips the image right-side-out for viewers. This demonstration shows Matt Anderson's setup as he uses it for a sample lesson.