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Historic Periods of Globalization Activity

Historic Periods of Globalization Activity
California State University, Stanislaus
Heather Jarrell, an Instructor at CSU Stanislaus, designed a peer-to-peer engagement and active learning activity for use during a synchronous session. Working in groups, students identify distinguishing characteristics of periods of globalization throughout history. Students are placed in Breakout Rooms in Zoom, with each group completing one of five Jamboard pages containing sticky notes labeled “Fact” that they fill in with pertinent features of their globalization period, after which the entire class is quizzed on each globalization period using Zoom Polls based on the facts submitted by each group.

Exploring Human Energy Systems and Human Activities

Exploring Human Energy Systems and Human Activities
California State University, Fresno
Michael Cole, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a Canvas discussion board activity that provides an opportunity for students to engage in an undergraduate Exercise Physiology class learning module that is focused on understanding and applying concepts and ideas related to human energy systems. In this activity, students access highlights of events from the most recent Olympic games and discuss the use of the human energy systems in the context of the characteristics of these events (duration, intensity, etc.).

Communication Styles Nearpod Activity

Communication Styles Nearpod Activity
California State University, Stanislaus
Stacey Aprile, an Instructor at CSU Stanislaus, developed an activity where students read about learning styles, take a self-assessment, and apply their learning to their future classroom. This activity provides students with the opportunity to connect with like-communication style peers for possible extension activities in the course.

Using Hypothesis for Low-Stakes Assessment with Timely Feedback

Using Hypothesis for Low-Stakes Assessment with Timely Feedback
San Jose State University
Instructor Jill Citron from San Jose State University, uses Hypothesis to ensure student preparation for class which is a digital annotation tool that allows for peer-to-peer discussion. In the example provided she uses the tool for student discussion about complex scientific journal articles.

Active Learning Video using EdPuzzle

Active Learning Video using EdPuzzle
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
So Ra Baek, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, shares a video which in which a lesson was created using using EdPuzzle. The instructor embeds 3 questions at different intervals in the video for students to self-check their learning.