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Structured Group Discussions Providing Roleplaying & Choice

Structured Group Discussions Providing Roleplaying & Choice
California State University, Fresno
Ryan Ditchfield, an Instructor at Fresno State, creatively organizes group discussions providing students an opportunity to self-assign themselves to a group discussion topic that interest them in his "Eyewitness Identification-FTB 159T" class. In the group discussions they have the choice to pick a role - Researcher, Eyewitness, Defense Attorney, Police Officer, Suspect, and Timekeeper and throughout the semester the students will also be changing to a different group and also change their role. This example represents student choice and group roles in discussions.

Canvas Home Page

Canvas Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Faith Sidlow from Fresno State, created a redesigned homepage in Canvas that includes 15 buttons along the bottom of the homepage for each week. A clear link to takes the user to the syllabus and also to the start here module. There is also a warm instructor welcome message in the middle of the page along with a graphic and course title.

Assignment using a Podcast followed by an Interactive Activity using Jamboard & Discussion

Assignment using a Podcast followed by an Interactive Activity using Jamboard & Discussion
California State University, Fresno
Aric Mine, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses an episode from Radiolab as a foundation for discussion in an introductory assignment in a climate change and environmental science class. It was formerly just a short answer response submission by individual students (file uploaded; screenshot of discussion prompt) which has now been expanded to include a discussion on Canvas that helps segway to the following week where water usage is introduced with a Jamboard (linked). This exercise engages students via three different means of communication and interaction. They listen to a podcast, reflect on their understanding and communicate that understanding in written form to the instructor and to their peers in an active discussion. They're also then subsequently engaged with a Jamboard that builds off this introductory activity, expanding the engagement tools used in this course.

The Magic Flute – TEDEd Lesson

The Magic Flute – TEDEd Lesson
California State University, Fresno
Maria Briggs, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses the TEDEd lesson creator to engage students in an active learning experience. In preparation for a written critique students view the "Queen of the Night" aria performance and then answer questions and participate in an online discussion.

Engagement in Synchronous Lectures Using Jamboard & Zoom Break-Out Rooms

Engagement in Synchronous Lectures Using Jamboard & Zoom Break-Out Rooms
California State University, Fresno
Stephanie Ryan, an Instructor from Fresno State, shares an engaging activity where she uses Zoom to provide a synchronous lecture called "The Anterior Surface Landmarks of the Figure." Using breakout rooms in Zoom and a Jamboard students identify surface landmarks of a figure in a peer-to-peer activity.

Module Overview Page

Module Overview Page
California State University, Fresno
Professor Christine Edmondson from Fresno State, created Module Overview pages for her Movies and Mental Illness class. Each page contains a To-Do list, Module Directory, Module Orientation Video as well as a Video Guide.

Exploring Human Energy Systems and Human Activities

Exploring Human Energy Systems and Human Activities
California State University, Fresno
Michael Cole, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a Canvas discussion board activity that provides an opportunity for students to engage in an undergraduate Exercise Physiology class learning module that is focused on understanding and applying concepts and ideas related to human energy systems. In this activity, students access highlights of events from the most recent Olympic games and discuss the use of the human energy systems in the context of the characteristics of these events (duration, intensity, etc.).

Course Homepage with Buttons to Access Modules

Course Homepage with Buttons to Access Modules
California State University, Fresno
Katherine Fobear, an Instructor from Fresno State, shares the design of a Canvas homepage that includes a course description, with links to the syllabus and individual modules that are clearly labeled. All buttons include alt tags as evident by the Ally accessibility indicators.

Course Home Page

Course Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Jesse Bower, an Instructor from Fresno State, shares a redesigned homepage with a clear brief welcome statement, image of the instructor, contact information and office hours and quick links to the main course components.

Video Self-Check Quizzes for Asynchronous Learners

Video Self-Check Quizzes for Asynchronous Learners
California State University, Fresno
Joseph Ross, an Instructor at Fresno State, provides his students with brief lecture videos that they watch before coming to class which allows students to self-check their learning. Each video is followed by one short self-check multiple-choice quiz item (ungraded), including a description of the correct answer. The link to the quiz immediately follows the link to the video on each Canvas page. This approach provides on-demand feedback for asynchronous video use.

Home Page Buttons

Home Page Buttons
California State University, Fresno
Nichole Walsh, an Instructor from Fresno State, shares four graphics for homepage buttons to enhance the look and usability of the landing page for students. The graphics were created in Canva and include the following: Click here to begin, This way to Modules, Click Here for Announcements, and Virtual Asynchronous Office.

Grading Rubric for Article Analysis Assignment

Grading Rubric for Article Analysis Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Michael Yonker, an Instructor at Fresno State, provides a rubric used in his Criminal Law class where students select a recent article and discuss it in relation to the class on the discussion board. The rubric was developed to assess the online participation and contributions to the discussion board. Both the analysis and the response are scored on a scale from 4 to 1 as exemplary, accomplished, developing, and beginning.

Wellness Check Discussion

Wellness Check Discussion
California State University, Fresno
Kathaleen Valdez, an Instructor from Fresno State, uses a brief weekly discussion to help facilitate a line of communication between the student and the instructor by providing a way for students to check-in. The discussion encourages them to let the instructor know how they are doing in regards to the class or just life. It helps them know that there is someone else out there that has their back and is concerned about how they are doing and lets the instructor know if there is a need to contact the student for additional assistance. In addition, the discussion can be used as a way to monitor student participation.

Course Home Page

Course Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Melanie Wenrick, an Instructor from Fresno State, provides a clean easy to follow home page that provides for accessible image buttons used for the syllabus, weekly, and discussion board. Graphic buttons were created in PowerPoint and imported as images. A welcoming introduction about the purpose of the course and distance learning model used.

Course Video Tour

Course Video Tour
California State University, Fresno
Meta Schettler, an Instructor from Fresno State, provides a video tour with consistent navigation and clear instructions for students to begin accessing all course components, such as syllabus, course calendar, assignments, campus support resources, campus policies and support files.