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Collaborative Jamboard Activity

Collaborative Jamboard Activity
California State University, San Marcos
Kim McCarthy, an Instructor from CSU San Marcos, uses Google Jamboard for class collaboration. Students respond to the question prompt posted on the Jamboard. They then interact with each other by posting a picture, drawing, text, or a "stickie note" in response to the prompt.

Video Walkthrough of a Course Activity

Video Walkthrough of a Course Activity
California State University, Northridge
Nanci Carr, an Instructor at CSU Northridge, used Camtasia to create a video showing students the steps to view a video of an article posted on Canvas. The video shows students how to download content in different formats so that it is more accessible and provides options for accessing lesson content.

Sketchnotes Discussion Forum Assignment

Sketchnotes Discussion Forum Assignment
California State University, Northridge
Instructor Nicole Solis from CSU Northridge, developed an assignment in which students practice visual notetaking skills and engage in a discussion. While reading a scholarly article students are to select at least 2 quotes and additional terms and concepts and arrange them visually including sketches, illustrations, or other ways of decorating their notes visually. Students use the Canvas Discussion forum for students to submit the assignment, but they can choose to create their notes on paper or using one of several technologies.

Small Group Discussion for Synchronous Webconference Class Session

Small Group Discussion for Synchronous Webconference Class Session
California State University, San Bernardino
Cheryl Brandt, an Instructor at CSU San Bernardino, uses a problem-based seminar discussion prompt during synchronous sessions in Zoom to increase peer-to-peer interaction. During the sessions, each small group captures their plan for sharing with the entire class using Jamboard.

Example VoiceThread Discussion

Example VoiceThread Discussion
California State University, San Bernardino
Instructor Carol Gabaldon from CSU San Bernardino, uses VoiceThread to enhance peer-to-peer engagement while adhering to accessibility and universal design principles. The tool VoiceThread provides an accessible platform for audio, video, and text formats, encourages peer-to-peer discussion, and is easily embedded in the Canvas Learning Management System.