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Accessible Homepage with Engaging Images
Accessible Homepage with Engaging Images
California State University, Fresno
Jenna Kieckhaefer, an Instructor from Fresno State, shares her Canvas Homepage which clearly shows that images are all accessible with the green Ally indicators. Images are engaging for students with clear labels for the user to navigate the course.
Bilingual Translations in Canvas
Bilingual Translations in Canvas
California State University, Channel Islands
Kristin Jordan, Instructor from California State University Channel Islands, implemented bilingual translations in Canvas for a Sociology of Education course where information on the Canvas home page, in the welcome/start here module, and major headings/buttons are presented in both English and Spanish. This initiative ensures that information displayed on the Canvas home page, within the welcome/start here module, and major headings/buttons is accessible in both English and Spanish. By providing simultaneous translations, students gain direct exposure to essential concepts and research covered in the course, such as community cultural wealth, linguistic capital, and bilingual education. Additionally, this approach fosters a more inclusive environment, both linguistically and culturally, within our class. Importantly, the adaptability of these bilingual translations makes them applicable to various courses, regardless of content alignment.
Calculus Canvas Shell Homepage and Module list screenshots - Bilingual
Calculus Canvas Shell Homepage and Module list screenshots - Bilingual
California State University, Channel Islands
Chrissy Soderlund, Instructor from Cal State Channel Islands, developed a bilingual kit for the Calculus I Canvas Shell. The bilingual kit enables instructors to better articulate course material in a way that embraces students for whom Spanish is their first language. There is a variety of instructional material types on the Canvas shell (videos, quizzes, written text, online math homework system, discussions, etc.). The bilingual kit strengthens the text of the various material types.
Canvas Home Page
Canvas Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Faith Sidlow from Fresno State, created a redesigned homepage in Canvas that includes 15 buttons along the bottom of the homepage for each week. A clear link to takes the user to the syllabus and also to the start here module. There is also a warm instructor welcome message in the middle of the page along with a graphic and course title.
Clear Homepage Navigation with Accessible Icons
Clear Homepage Navigation with Accessible Icons
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Manuel Diaz, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, shares a homepage that is clear and accessible with button icons as evidenced by the Ally "green" indicators in the bottom left of each image. Home page has a clear instructor welcome, followed by buttons to access the syllabus, scholar cafe, and weekly module buttons.
Clear Organized HomePage
Clear Organized HomePage
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Iman Hemmatian, an Instructor from Cal Poly Pomona, shares a homepage that is organized clearly with a college banner, instructor welcome video & transcript, instructions to begin the course including the syllabus, start here, and buttons to access all modules from the course home page.
Closing Announcement
Closing Announcement
California State University, Northridge
Hillary Kaplowitz, Instructional Designer and Instructor from CSU Northridge, sends students an end of semester announcement, summarizing how far they have come and what they have learned.
Community Policies Presentation
Community Policies Presentation
California State University, Northridge
Joannie Aguayo, an Instructor from CSU Northridge, shares a presentation which provides course community policies, including a diversity statement, commitment to gender-neutral language, microaggressions or biased-language, netiquette, web-cam etiquette, academic honesty, tips for success.
Course Description and Format on Home Page
Course Description and Format on Home Page
California State University, Northridge
Professor Amir Gharehgozli from CSU Northridge, shares a detailed visual of the course homepage which includes a brief description of the course, image of the instructor, and course synchronous session meeting times. The buttons are created using De Button Factory (https://www.clickminded.com/button-generator/) and the word cloud is generated using Wordclouds (https://www.wordclouds.com/).
Course Home Page
Course Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Dr. Rana Shailesh, an Instructor at Fresno State, created a home page in their course using accessible images and graphics. The home page includes a banner and a welcome message as well as buttons to the Start Here area, the syllabus, a welcome video and the modules in the course.
Course Home Page
Course Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Gil Kim, an Instructor at Fresno State, created a welcoming home page where students are greeted with a friendly message and an instructor introduction video. Buttons for each module were also added using Canvas for graphics that link to each area of the course.
Course Home Page
Course Home Page
Sacramento State University
Greg Kim-Ju, an Instructor at Sacramento State University, created an inviting and easy to navigate home page making it easy for students to access areas of the course. Included are icons and links to Start Here, Syllabus, Modules, and the Question Café. In addition, students are greeted with an inclusive course banner and a welcome video from the instructor.
Course Home Page
Course Home Page
California State University, Fresno
Melanie Wenrick, an Instructor from Fresno State, provides a clean easy to follow home page that provides for accessible image buttons used for the syllabus, weekly, and discussion board. Graphic buttons were created in PowerPoint and imported as images. A welcoming introduction about the purpose of the course and distance learning model used.
Course Home Page With Accessible Icons
Course Home Page With Accessible Icons
California State University, Stanislaus
Kanwaljit Dulai, an Instructor from CSU Stanislaus, creates a home page with accessible button icons as evidenced by the green Ally gauge. The first five buttons link to important course pages with resources commonly visited by students. The last five buttons are proprietary to this course and link through to the five unit modules.
Course Home Page with Colorful Buttons
Course Home Page with Colorful Buttons
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Paul Price from Fresno State, created a home page for the course that includes a Welcome Message and colorful buttons linked to the Start Here area, Syllabus, Modules, Question Cafe, and the instructor Contact information. The buttons are simple png images that can be used as large, colorful navigation buttons on a Canvas homepage. They simply need to be added to the page and a link inserted that takes the user to the relevant location within the site. When added to Canvas, they should be given alternative text reading, e.g., "Button Linking to the Start Here Page."