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Final Project Rubric

Final Project Rubric
California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt
Elias Pence, an Instructor at Cal Poly Humboldt, built a rubric to measure understanding of the assignment topic, in-class engagement, and care and effort in completing the assignment. Using the Canvas rubric tool was helpful in measuring the criteria of Demonstration of Understanding, Care and Effort, and In Class Engagement against the ratings of Excellent, Proficient, Needs Development, and Incomplete.

Digital Storyboard Assignment with Peer-to-Peer Interaction

Digital Storyboard Assignment with Peer-to-Peer Interaction
California State University, Fresno
Dr. Gina Sandi-Diaz, an Instructor at Fresno State, uses a shared Google Drive where students upload their Digital Storyboard assignment created in Google Slides using the Pecha Kucha 20x20 format. Students are required to visit each other's storyboards and provide feedback to peers. Finally, students use a Google Jamboard to document what they learned from visiting their peer's assignments.

Introduction Activity Using a Storyboard

Introduction Activity Using a Storyboard
California State University, San Marcos
Emily Merryweather, an Instructor from CSU San Marcos, has students introduce themselves using a free web-based platform, Storyboard to create a comic-book-style representation of themselves and their interests.

Rubric for Analysis/Critique Assignment

Rubric for Analysis/Critique Assignment
California State University, Fresno
Andrea Roach, an Instructor at Fresno State, developed a rubric in Canvas for an assignment where students are analyzing and critiquing a popular press (e.g., magazine) article. The rubric includes the criteria of Summary, Analysis/Critique/, Reflection and Writing Quality, against the ratings include Exceeds, Meets, Approaches, Does Not Meet, and Did not Complete.

PlayPosit Version of Video Titled "Horseshoe Crabs Saved My Life"

PlayPosit Version of Video Titled "Horseshoe Crabs Saved My Life"
California State University, San Bernardino
Holly Henry, an Instructor at CSU San Bernardino, uses the SciShow video, titled "Horseshoe Crabs Saved My Life," with the learning technology PlayPosit. Three quiz questions have been embedded into the video to increase students' active learning and greater interaction with course content; the video quiz also adds a formative assessment component so that students can self-check their learning.

EdPuzzle Copy of Your Brain On Adderall - The Study Drug

EdPuzzle Copy of Your Brain On Adderall - The Study Drug
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Edward Boyle from Fresno State, uses EdPuzzle to promote discussion and student engagement using open-ended questions.

Course HomePage and Module Organization

Course HomePage and Module Organization
San Jose State University
Michelle Hampton, an Instructor from San Jose State University, shares a welcoming homepage with the instructor welcoming students and course description. She also provides a clear organization structure for the module with consistent headings. Tabbed lessons were utilized to reduce the number of pages through which students would need to scroll. Text headers in the modules were used to divide content logically and visually guide the user.

Using Mentimeter to Increase Engagement

Using Mentimeter to Increase Engagement
Sacramento State University
Kirsten Munk, an Instructor at CSU Stanislaus, incorporates survey and knowledge questions into synchronous Zoom lectures, using Mentimeter (https://www.mentimeter.com/) to increase student engagement and facilitate discussion. Students are provided with the URL for the Mentimeter survey along with the access code (in the Zoom chat), which will take them to the surveys and questions (pictured here) included in the lecture. Students are able to participate and answer in real-time.

TEDEd Video With Questions

TEDEd Video With Questions
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Shirisha Shankar from Fresno State, uses a video from the TEDEd library to create a lesson with embedded questions. This activity allows students to interact with a video and actively learn instead of passively watching.

Portfolio Rubric for First Year Writing - CSU Fresno

Portfolio Rubric for First Year Writing - CSU Fresno
California State University, Fresno
Carol Firstman, an Instructor at Fresno State, is using the rubric developed by the First Year Writing program at Fresno State in Canvas. The grading criteria and rating categories are taken directly from the FYW template materials. The 30 point rubric includes the criteria of reading and writing strategies, reflection, summary and conversation, rhetoric, language coherence, and self-and peer evaluation. The ratings are exceeds, complete, and not passing.

Group Annotation: An Introduction to Theatre

Group Annotation: An Introduction to Theatre
San Jose State University
Kathleen Normington, an Instructor at San Jose State University, uses Hypothesis for social annotation. Students read a chapter or pages from an assigned textbook with which Hypothesis has been linked to create class notes.

Writing Project Rubric

Writing Project Rubric
California State University, Fresno
Gabriel Ibarra, Instructor from Fresno State shares a writing rubric that is detailed along 5 criteria.

Introduction to American Politics

Introduction to American Politics
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Tremblay Pinar, an Instructor at Cal Poly Pomona, developed an assignment where students are asked to think about a law in their own majors and provide a change proposal (a new or revised law) in a letter to the senator. Students collaborate using Stormboard, an online whiteboard, to first discuss issues in their own field with their peers before deciding on the law they want to explore and propose a change in the letter.

Basic Data Analysis Assignment

Basic Data Analysis Assignment
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Maha Ghosn, an Instructor at Cal Poly Pomona, designed an assignment that begins with the purpose and the specific objectives that it meets. Following the purpose and objectives, there is a detailed description asking students to develop their own closed ended questions and to answer each other questions.

Scientific Publication Mock Process for Introductory Chemistry Lab Course

Scientific Publication Mock Process for Introductory Chemistry Lab Course
California State University, Fresno
Instructor Melissa Garrett from Fresno State, teaches students how scientific information is disseminated by mimicking the process. In this assignment, the students are asked to write a manuscript on a designated lab experiment and submit their papers for "publication" to the instructor who takes on the role of the journal editor before sending the paper for anonymous peer reviews.